Mondragon Team Academy at South Summit 2024: Boosting Innovation and Connecting Generations of Entrepreneurs


Mondragon Team Academy at South Summit 2024: Boosting Innovation and Connecting Generations of Entrepreneurs


Mondragon Team Academy at South Summit 2024: Boosting Innovation and Connecting Generations of Entrepreneurs

The Mondragon Team Academy (MTA) community has experienced very special days at the South Summit 2024 in Madrid. With the participation of representatives of several generations of students and graduates of the degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation (LEINN), around 50 leinners and graduates attended this important event of innovation and entrepreneurship



The Mondragon Team Academy (MTA) community has experienced very special days at the South Summit 2024 in Madrid. With the participation of representatives of several generations of students and graduates of the degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation (LEINN), around 50 leinners and graduates attended this important event of innovation and entrepreneurship. Here we highlight some of the most significant moments:

Featured Panels:

Aitor Lizartza Martin participated in the panel “Take the Zebra out of the Zoo”, where he shared principles, practices and challenges to create companies that prioritize sustainability and positive impact.

Marta De Dalmases (Iberia) and María Irurozki (Valhalla) participated in a panel on All4Zero, an alliance between Repsol, Holcim, ArcelorMittal and Iberia to drive industrial decarbonization through technological innovation.

Martin Beitia (Iberia) spoke on several panels, including “How Iberia & Hangar 51 Are Transforming Travel” and the presentation of Patio Campus' “The Next 35” report, which highlights Spain's most promising scaleups with the potential to become the next IBEX 35.

Astghik Zakharyan (SIA - Startup Investor Accelerator) participated in a panel on Angel Investing and VC World, highlighting the crucial role of women in the field of investment and entrepreneurship.

Connections and Reconnections:

In addition to the presentations and panels, South Summit 2024 allowed the MTA community to reconnect with several graduate leinners now innovating from leading organizations. Among them were:

Amaia Giralt (La Liga), Elena Rodriguez (ING), Lander Iraragorri (Talgo), Linn Lauritzen (Globant), Marina Estrada (Repsol), Marta De Dalmases and Martin Beitia (Iberia), Maria Irurozki (Valhalla), Javier de Miguel and Andrea Martinez (Patio Campus), Valeria Valverde (Entrepreneurship and Startups Consulting - PwC), Apurva San Juan (LUP), Pablo Gaztelu Caballero (Taxicoin).

These days have been an excellent opportunity to share learnings and see how leinners are increasingly consolidated in entrepreneurship and open innovation ecosystems.


Participation in events like the South Summit is crucial to continue driving innovation and entrepreneurial growth. See you at the next South Summit to continue building a future full of opportunities and collaboration.