Research aids and scholarships

Research scholarships and grants

Research scholarships

For students enrolled in an official university Master’s program

Recipients must be students enrolled in an official university Master’s program in the Faculty of Humanities and Education. In this case, research fellows will join a real project under development in a research group.

Applications with supporting documentation must be submitted in the second half of November of each academic year.

For doctoral students

Recipients must be students enrolled in, or in the process of enrolling in Educational Innovation and Intervention Doctoral Program in the Faculty of Humanities and Education.

Application for these grants entails the requirement of applying in a timely manner for predoctoral grants from the Basque Government for the relevant academic year, as well as having been accepted into the program. It is the responsibility of the applicant to know and adhere to the deadlines and conditions of these scholarships and grants.



Master´s level research grants


Predoctoral financial aid program



Other grants and financial aid


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