Idurre Gaztañazatorre earns a rating of outstanding ‘cum laude’ for her doctoral dissertation


Idurre Gaztañazatorre earns a rating of outstanding ‘cum laude’ for her doctoral dissertation

Doctoral dissertation

Idurre Gaztañazatorre earns a rating of outstanding ‘cum laude’ for her doctoral dissertation

The defense of the dissertation, entitled “Hezkuntzaren ikuspegi sozio-kulturalean oinarritutako ikaste-prozesuen karakterizazioa. Kasu baten azterketa: Arrankudiaga Herri Eskola” (“A characterization of learning processes based on the socio-cultural perspective of education. A case study: Arrankudiaga Public School”), was held on the Eskoriatza campus.



In the defense, which took place on June 12, Mondragon University Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences researcher Idurre Gaztañazatorre earned a rating of Outstanding cum laude.

The defense of the dissertation, entitled Hezkuntzaren ikuspegi sozio-kulturalean oinarritutako ikaste-prozesuen karakterizazioa. Kasu baten azterketa: Arrankudiaga Herri Eskola (A characterization of learning processes based on the socio-cultural perspective of education. A case study: Arrankudiaga Public School), took place on the Eskoriatza campus.

Doctoral Program

Educational Innovation and Intervention.


Dissertation title

Hezkuntzaren ikuspegi sozio-kulturalean oinarritutako ikaste-prozesuen karakterizazioa. Kasu baten azterketa: Arrankudiaga Herri Eskola.


Dissertation directors

Xabier Arregi Murgiondo (Mondragon University) and Agurtzane Martínez Gorrochategui (Mondragon University).


Dissertation Committee

Head: Pilar Gil Molina (University of the Basque Country).

Secretary: Dr. Alexander Barandiaran Arteaga (Mondragon University).

Member: Dr. Javier Monzón González (Public University of Navarre, University of the Basque Country).


Photo gallery of the defense:

Idurre Gastañazatorre