
Official Degree

Supply chain, Manufacturing and Logistics Management Master



1,5 years



Class size

30 places


Spanish, English



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PDF Catalogue

The lecturers at the Engineering Faculty combine educational and research activities. As a result, they also form part of research groups and develop innovation projects with companies. This new knowledge, as well as the needs received from companies, are transferred to the classroom and we train students in cutting-edge technologies and trends. Meet some of our teachers.



Atorrasagasti Aldabaldetrecu, Estela

Logistic and Productive Operations Management-ZOLP

Head lecturer


Eguren Eguiguren, Jose Alberto

Logistic and Productive Operations Management-ZOLP

Head lecturer



Ereño Incera, Ana Monserrat

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer


Fernandez Arrieta, Miguel

Telematics and Cybersecurity-TELSEC

Head lecturer



Gorroño Albizu, Leire

Logistic and Productive Operations Management-ZOLP

Head lecturer


Larrinaga Urzelai, Gaizka

Logistic and Productive Operations Management-ZOLP

Head lecturer



Navarro Aranburu, Iban

Logistic and Productive Operations Management-ZOLP

Head lecturer


Orue Irasuegui, Aitor

Logistic and Productive Operations Management-ZOLP

Head lecturer



Retegi Albisua, Javier

Innovation, Organizational Model and Estrategic HR Management-BAEPE

Head lecturer


San Miguel Ugarte, Amaia

Logistic and Productive Operations Management-ZOLP

Head lecturer



Soto Ruiz de Gordoa, Myriam

Logistic and Productive Operations Management-ZOLP

Head lecturer


Unzueta Aranguren, Gorka

Logistic and Productive Operations Management-ZOLP

Head lecturer



Urizar Aizpuru, Eneritz

Logistic and Productive Operations Management-ZOLP

Head lecturer


Zenigaonaindia Muruamendiaraz, Nerea

Logistic and Productive Operations Management-ZOLP

Head lecturer