Entry requirements

Official Degree

Master Degree in Smart Energy Systems



1,5 years


Galarreta (Orona Ideo)

Class size

30 places


Spanish, English



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  1. 1. Students who have previously completed the following or similar studies may access this master's degree without any additional courses:
    • Graduates in Energy Engineering
    • Graduates in Renewable Energy Engineering
    • Graduates in Electrical Engineering
    • Graduates in Industrial Electronic Engineering
    • Graduates in Industrial and Automatic Electronic Engineering
    • Graduates in Mechatronics Engineering
    • Double Degree in Physics and Electronic Engineering


    Other degrees in the branch of Engineering and Architecture that have acquired the following competences:

    1. Competence 1: Knowledge and use of the principles of circuit theory and electrical machines.
    2. Competence 2: Knowledge and capacity for modelling and simulation of systems.
    3. Competence 3: Applied knowledge of power electronics.
    4. Competence 4: Capacity for designing control systems.
    5. Competence 5:Applied knowledge of industrial computing and communications.


    The accreditation of these skills will be made based on participation in training courses, preferably at university level, in subjects such as Electrical Engineering, Modelling of Dynamic Systems, Power Electronics, Automatic Regulation, Industrial Computing, etc. Also taken into consideration will be professional experience in fields such as Power Electronics, Control Systems, Electrical Drives, etc.

    Based on the above, following table shows the complementary subjects to be taken to access the Master's Degree in Intelligent Energy Systems in the case of not being able to obtain accreditation in the competencies with the previous studies:

      Electrotechnics (4.5 ECTS) Electric Power Conversion (4.5 ECTS) Modelling, Simulation and Control of Multi-Phisical Systems (4.5 ECTS) Microprocessors (4.5 ECTS)
    COMPETENCY 1 X      
    COMPETENCY 2     X  
    COMPETENCY 3   X    
    COMPETENCY 4     X  
    COMPETENCY 5       X
  2. Students in possession of a foreign university degree, issued by a higher education institution of the European Higher Education Area, who are trained in the country issuing the certificate to ensure access to Master's degrees, shall have access to the course. In this case, direct access to the Master’s Degree course or access with previous complementary training shall be admitted, depending on the equivalence of the foreign degree in relation to those referred to in the above section.


  3. Graduates may be admitted according to educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area without the need for approval of their degrees, after verification by the University that they have been accredited with a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and that they are trained in the country issuing the certificate for access to graduate education. In this case, direct access to the Master’s Degree course or access with previous complementary training shall be admitted, depending on the equivalence of the foreign degree in relation to those referred to in the above section.



The body responsible for the admission of students is the Academic Committee of the EPS of Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

Once the access requirements have been met, the admission of students will be based on the following two criteria:

  1. The academic curriculum (previous accredited training)
  2. The student’s academic record

Students shall be required to have achieved level B2 (of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment), or an equivalent qualification, for the English language, to be admitted to the Master’s degree course, in order to ensure that students have reached a sufficient level to ensure follow-up and learning, and achievement of expected results. For foreign students of countries with official languages other than Castilian Spanish, level B2, or an equivalent qualification, for the Spanish language.