The short film ‘Utländsk’ by Alba Lozano has won the 2025 Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival
The short film ‘Utländsk’ by Alba Lozano has won the 2025 Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival
The awards ceremony of this short film festival, which is organized by Audiovisual Communication students at Mondragon University, was held at the Arkupe Culture Center in Aretxabaleta. Ana Goitia emceed the gala.
The awards ceremony of the Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival was held in Zaraia Hall in Aretxabaleta. After the finalist works were screened, the awards ceremony began at 7:30 p.m., hosted by Ana Goitia. The event was attended by representatives of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, the City Council of Aretxabaleta, Ausolan, Mundukide, Danobat Group and HAZI, among others.
Winners of Huhezinema 2025:
- Huhezinema Award (€650): ‘Utländsk’, Alba Lozano. This award includes a basket of Basque products provided by the public company HAZI of the Department of Food, Rural Development, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Basque Government.
- Audience Award (A meal at Restaurante Zezilioenea): ‘29 de Febrero’, Diego Fandos.
- Best music video (€300): ‘Niña Soñando’ (Verde Prato), Maria Muriedas. This award includes a basket of Basque products provided by the public company HAZI of the Department of Food, Rural Development, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Basque Government.
- Audience Award (A night at Cabañas en los árboles): ‘Euripean’ (The Clayton), Asier Elgezua and Mikel Cubillo.
- Best film made by a student or students (€300): ‘Patrimonio’, Aitor Abio. This award includes a basket of Basque products provided by the public company HAZI of the Department of Food, Rural Development, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Basque Government.
- Audience Award (Surfing course for five people at the Yako Surf School): ‘Lotura Debekatuak’, Nahia Cisneros.
- Berria Prize (€350): ‘Hor Konpon’, Jone Arriola. This award includes Berria products, a six-month subscription, and a basket of Basque products provided by the public company HAZI of the Department of Food, Rural Development, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Basque Government.
- Mundukide Prize: Not awarded.
- HAZI Prize: Not awarded.