

The student Xabier Dorronsoro Martinez obtained an EXCELLENT grade with mention International Doctorate


The student Xabier Dorronsoro Martinez obtained an EXCELLENT grade with mention International Doctorate





  • Presidency: Erik Schaltz (Aalborg University)
  • Vocal: Mikel Arrinda Martinez (CIDETEC)
  • Vocal: Jorge Varela Barreras (Imperial College London)
  • Vocal: Egoitz Martinez Laserna (BEEPLANET)
  • Secretary: Iosu Aizpuru Larrañaga (Mondragon Unibertsitatea)


Over the last few years, the battery system industry has shown a steady growth, largely as a consequence of a pressing energy transition that calls for sustainable alternatives to conventional energetic model. Despite areas for improvement, Li-ion batteries have emerged as a leading storage system, outperforming numerous competing options. In the development of these systems, multiple scales are evident, which complicates their integration in practice. Spanning from the small scale, with portable electronic devices, to the large scale, with storage systems fulfilling grid level functions, via the medium scale, with private or commercial means of transport.

This research focuses on medium and large storage systems, which are characterised by a design, control and security that transcends a single or few cells. Such systems assemble independent modules and make serial and/or parallel connections, scaling up to the dimensions required by the application. Notwithstanding an increase in the adoption of these systems, it is relevant to note that both the asymmetries between the different cells and modules, as well as the growing interest of some applications in second life batteries, dictate the need for maximising the potential of modular configurations. In this context, this thesis aims to design a predictive control, based on the electro-thermal and degradation model of the battery, to determine the power distribution across different modules, in order to optimise the performance and lifetime of the battery.

Results illustrate, on the one hand, the feasibility of implementing this control strategy to obtain better quantitative results than those met with a control that distributes the power demand, based on the nominal capacity of each module. On the other hand, obtained operating dynamics reveal that reducing divergences between state variables of different modules, such as temperature or state of charge, need not always be the optimal solution. Therefore, the formulated control strategy supports the initial hypothesis and confirms the fulfilment of the main objective.