Students who want to spend time abroad should fulfil the following requirements:
- Notes: For Degree students the results of the 1st and 2nd year will be taken into consideration and for Master degree students the results of the first semester.
- Foreign language level: Students will have to verify the language level, presenting an official certificate or by doing a test (English, French or German).
- The overall performance of the student and a general assessment will be taken into consideration.
Apart from the requirements listed above, the student will have to fulfil the following academic requirements while abroad:
- Complete dedication for the duration of the project both Degree (TFG) and Master (TFM).
Procedure to follow in order to participate:
- Fill out the survey of preferences from Mudle. Each degree will have its own link.
- Upload a Motivation letter (in English) to Mudle.
- Upload your CV (in English) to Mudle.
- If you have an official certificate of a foreign language upload the document to Mudle (English, French, or German).
- In the event of not possessing a language certificate, a language test will be carried out on students in those languages for which they have indicated they have a knowledge of.
- Students in the Arrasate Campus: in the academy Mondragon Lingua.
- Students at Orona-Ideo: on the same campus of Orona-Ideo, in classrooms to be prepared expressly for the tests.
- Students at Goierri: on the same campus of Goierri, in classrooms to be prepared expressly for the tests.
- Once the lists of those selected have been published, students will have to accept or reject the place.
Procedure to follow once selected:
- Information briefing in Arrasate.
- Information briefing of the TFM.
- Processing the application abroad and completing procedures for grants.
- Last information briefing and distribution of documentation before travelling abroad.