Job opportunities

Official Degree

Master's Degree in Teaching Habilitation for the Exercise of the Profession of Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Teaching of Languages



1 year


Eskoriatza and As Fabrik Bilbao

Class size

50 places




Presential (DUAL) or ONLINE

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PDF Catalogue

Job opportunities

"In this Master’s degree program, you will acquire all the knowledge and skills necessary to work as a teacher at different stages and in different education centers"

You will be able to work as...


A compulsory secondary education teacher

You will be able to teach at the 12- to 16-year-old stage. This obligatory stage consists of four academic years.


A High school teacher

High school is the final stage of Secondary Education. It consists of two academic years and provides access to university studies or to higher-level training programs. Four specializations are currently offered.


A vocational training teacher

These are studies at the Secondary or Higher Education level that are carried out with an eye to the world of work and that aim to provide knowledge and skills for the professional sphere.



A teacher in a Language School

Language Schools are official language learning centers.


End-of-Degree Project (master’s degree)

To complete your Master’s Degree in Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary Education, High School, Vocational Training and Language Teaching, you will complete an End-of-Degree Project on an educational topic of interest to you.


End-of-Degree Project (Master’s Degree)