
Official Degree

Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering



1,5 years


Arrasate-Mondragon, Galarreta (Orona Ideo)

Class size

85 places


Spanish, English



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Aitor Perez Diez

  1. You have come to Mondragon Unibertsitatea to attend the Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering, but you took the degree in another university. Have you noticed any major change in the learning methodology?

"Yes. Effectively, I was looking for a more dynamic and inclusive methodology with the change, and that is what I found. It appears to me that having a small number of students in the classes helps a lot in this area. In addition, the fact of working in small classes makes the teachers closer to the needs of the students."

  1. What speciality of Industrial Engineering are you studying and why did you choose it?

"I am studying the speciality of manufacturing and processes. After taking my degree in Mechanical Engineering, I was certain that this was the speciality that I wanted, and although I also learned about the speciality of materials, in the end I chose my first option."

  1. Mondragon Unibertsitatea applies the project-based methodology. What practical projects did you develop in the first year of the Master’s degree?  

"A few years ago, the drones became a trend. In the first semester of the first academic year, we designed a composite housing for a drone that the university bought. As for the second semester, we designed, manufactured and assembled a turbine to generate electricity. After assembling it, we ran a few tests to verify that the energy generated by the turbines was the same as calculated at the beginning."

  1. You are doing your End-of-Master’s project at the company Ideko. What is the project about? 

"The machines in the company’s workshops produce vibrations when operating. When two machines are in operation on the same floor, the vibrations of one can affect the other, worsening the operation. To avoid this, I was offered a project that consists of analysing how vibrations are transmitted. Thanks to the project, we can analyse the problem theoretically, through finite elements, and even experimentally. The ultimate goal is to work on a rule that differentiates acceptable vibrations that can be supported by machines on the ground."