Registration and enrolment

Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation - MEINN

Official Degree

Master Degree in Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation



1 year




Spanish, Basque, English



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Registration and Enrolment

Proceso de inscripción al grado de Ingeniería Mecánica

The enrolment process for the Master of Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation programme has several phases that take place in the months before starting courses.


Information Sessions

It’s quite likely you’ll have some questions when choosing the master’s programme you want to do. Because of that, we want to help you answer your questions about the programme and the job placement for it.

Come see us




02/11/2023     05/07/2024

And if there are still places left...

08/07/2024       09/09/2024


How can I enrol?

You can enrol in person at the faculty from 8.30 - 12.00 / 2.30 - 5.30.  

You can also enrol online.

IOnline Enrolment




11/07/2024     15/07/2024

And if there are still places left...

18/07/2024     15/09/2024


Online Enrolment


Number of ECTS to enrol for

  Minimum Maximum
Máster en Emprendimiento e Innovación Abierta 15 ECTS 60 ECTS


Minimum Academic Performance

Every student may take a course a maximum of two times and may request an exception. If they are not granted an exception or they fail the course the student must leave the programme. Each student can take a course only once per year and a maximum of two times and they may request an exception.


Admissions requirements for the MEINN Master of Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation programme

This program is for you if:

  • You like to discover new things.
  • You learn best by doing, in action.
  • You like to work on a team.
  • You’re concerned about the current challenges facing society.
  • You’re excited about innovation and new trends.
  • You learn by travelling.
  • You like changing environments and new challenges.
  • You’re a creative and dynamic person.
  • You’d like to be an entrepreneur.
  • You want to turn your passion into your profession.

Admissions requirements for the master’s programme


Topics in the Master’s Programme

  • Topic M1.1. Creation and development of teams and communities
  • Topic M1.2. Leadership, self-managed learning and personal development
  • Topic M1.3. Business creation
  • Topic M2.1 Expert legal and financial knowledge for entrepreneurs
  • Topic M2.2. Expert knowledge in emerging technologies and digital tools
  • Topic M3.1. Entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems: agents and alliances
  • Topic M3.2. Strategic marketing
  • Topic M3.3. Entrepreneurial and open innovation strategy
  • Topic M3.4. Creating business models
  • Topic M3.5. Access to investment and financing
  • Topic M4.1. New business development
  • Topic M4.2. Internships in companies
  • Topic M5.1. EODP End of Degree Project

See all the courses