Mobility and internationalization

Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation - MEINN

Official Degree

Master Degree in Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation



1 year




Spanish, Basque, English



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PDF Catalogue

Mobility and Internationalisation

“Our goal is to create an international community of passionate entrepreneurs and intra-entrepreneurs”

With our entire network of partners we make up an international community where we learn and co-create. We have a network of laboratories around the world. 

You’ll create a network of contacts that you can use in your future career

You’ll develop skills that are needed in the workforce

You can improve your language skills and fluency

  • Learning journeys: In the first semester all students will do an international exchange where they can work and learn about international entrepreneurial settings.
  • Company internships, intra-entrepreneurial itinerary: Students can become part of a company’s activities in a local or foreign setting.
  • End of degree project: In the second semester students can also do their entrepreneurial project abroad if the project requires it.