
Official Degree

Master’s Degree Program in Dynamization of Basque Culture. *To be confirmed by Unibasq



1 year



Class size

30 Places





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PDF Catalogue

Education Model

Education Model The Engineering Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU-GEP) is an educational centre with its own innovative educational model. The aim of this model is to prepare students for...

Study programme - G100 - 2025

Study programme Upon completion of this Degree, you will have the knowledge you require in order to design, develop, implement and maintain systems, machines and industrial installations that...

Study programme - M260

Organization of the lessons according to the 2024 Plan All subjects of the Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence are summerized in the following image:   Key ...

Very good atmosphere at the BDATA championship

BDATA championship Very good atmosphere at the BDATA championship The modalities of paddle tennis, indoor soccer and basketball were organized. ...

prueba martin

Diseño Estratégico de Productos y Servicios   Gracias por tu interés.

Prácticas en empresa - FP certificado - Diseño Sistemas Mecánicos Industriales

Prácticas en empresa Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa es un centro de Formación Profesional con una orientación práctica y enfocada a las empresas, con las que mantiene una estrecha relación...

Aprender haciendo - FP certificado - Diseño Sistemas Mecánicos Industriales

Aprender haciendo Nuestra principal diferencia es nuestro modelo de aprendizaje, el cual combina las clases teóricas y las clases prácticas, siguiendo la premisa de “aprender haciendo”. A lo...

¿Qué nos diferencia? - FP certificado - Diseño Sistemas Mecánicos Industriales

Aprendizaje Práctico Nuestra oferta académica da respuesta a las necesidades técnicas de las empresas de nuestro entorno. El aprendizaje de los/as alumnos/as en Mondragon Goi Eskola...

Perfil de egreso - FP certificado - Diseño Sistemas Mecánicos Industriales

Perfil de egreso El perfil profesional de los técnicos superiores de Mecatrónica Industrial es el siguiente: En cuanto a competencias técnicas: Configurarás y optimizarás sistemas...

Plan de estudios - FP certificado - Diseño Sistemas Mecánicos Industriales

Organización de las Enseñanzas del Plan Total horas Ciclo Formativo: 703 horas   1er curso 703 horas Horas   Representación...

Aprenderás a - FP certificado - Diseño Sistemas Mecánicos Industriales

Aprenderás a Estos estudios proporcionan la formación necesaria para desarrollar tareas relacionadas con el montaje, puesta en marcha y mantenimiento de máquinas y líneas automáticas de...

Campus facilities

Eskoriatza campus

To respond to the new educational model, the Eskoriatza campus has cutting-edge services and resources. In 2020 we renovated the campus. In Eskoriatza, you will have two buildings at your disposal, one historic, built in the 17th century, and another, the Dorleta building, completely renovated to adapt it to the new models of education and learning. The Eskoriatza campus also houses the facilities of KoLaborategia, the Centre of Innovation in Education.

Classrooms and workshops with specialized equipment

The Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences has adapted spaces and facilities, as well as advanced technological equipment so that students can put into practice what they have learned in the classroom, investigate and experiment.

These are some of the spaces you will find on the Mondragon Unibertsitatea campus in Eskoriatza:


KoLaborategia. Centre of Innovation in Education

A lab prepared to research, experiment and share knowledge on innovationn in education.


Designed to encourage creativity and facilitate teamwork.


With the most relevant and interesting publications for your training.



Equipped with cutting-edge technology to carry out end-of-degree projects and other assignments.


With material to get to know the keys to the psychomotor development of the child.


With state-of-the-art computers and digital devices to develop digital projects.