
Official degree

Master Degree in Applied Artificial Intelligence



1.5 years


Bilbao AS Fabrik (Zorrozaurre)

Class size

30 places


Spanish, English



The lecturers at the Engineering Faculty combine educational and research activities. As a result, they also form part of research groups and develop innovation projects with companies. This new knowledge, as well as the needs received from companies, are transferred to the classroom and we train students in cutting-edge technologies and trends. Meet some of our teachers.



Abete Huici, Jose Manuel

Applied Mechanics-MAPLI

Head lecturer


Alonso Gómez, Arrate

Signal Theory and Communications-ESEKO

Head lecturer



Arana Arexolaleiba, Nestor

Automation and Robotics-EAUTO

Head lecturer


Arrieta Marcos, Aitor

Information Systems-HAZI-ISI

Head lecturer



Ayala Fernandez, Unai

Biomedical - BIO

Head lecturer


Bidaurrazaga Barrueta, Arkaitz

Artificial Intelligence-IA

Head lecturer



Cernuda Garcia, Carlos

Artificial Intelligence-IA

Head lecturer


Duo Zubiaurre, Aitor

Artificial Intelligence-IA

Head lecturer



Eciolaza Echeverria, Luka

Automation and Robotics-EAUTO

Head lecturer


Errasti Lozares, Miren Nekane

Engineering Coordination

Head lecturer



Ezpeleta Gallastegi, Enaitz

Artificial Intelligence-IA

Head lecturer


Intxausti Arbaiza, Eneko

Artificial Intelligence-IA

Head lecturer



Izagirre Aizpitarte, Unai

Artificial Intelligence-IA

Head lecturer


Reguera Bakhache, Daniel

Artificial Intelligence-IA

Head lecturer



Soler Mallol, Daniel

Basic Sciences-OZ

Head lecturer


Telleria Allika, Xabier

Basic Sciences-OZ

Head lecturer



Uribeetxebarria Andrés, Urtzi

Innovation, Organizational Model and Estrategic HR Management-BAEPE

Head lecturer


Zurutuza Ortega, Urko

Telematics and Cybersecurity-TELSEC

Head lecturer