
Del 21 de diciembre de 2024 al 7 de enero de 2025, la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación permanecerá cerrada por vacaciones de Navidad

Vacaciones de Navidad Del 21 de diciembre de 2024 al 7 de enero de 2025, la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación permanecerá cerrada por vacaciones de Navidad 2024·12·20

Del 21 de diciembre de 2024 al 7 de enero de 2025 la Facultad permanecerá cerrada por vacaciones de Navidad.

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Nerea Agirre ikertzaileak bikain ‘cum laude’ lortu du bere doktorego tesian

Doktorego tesia Nerea Agirre ikertzaileak bikain ‘cum laude’ lortu du bere doktorego tesian 2024·12·19

Doktore berriak Eskoriatzan aurkeztu du "Irakasle inklusiboen hasierako prestakuntzan hausnarketa prozesu kolaboratiboen erraztailetzarako gako eta estrategiak" tesia.

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La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación ofrecerá un curso gratuito en Gestión de Color en colaboración con la ESCAC

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El curso, que será gratuito, se desarrollará del 4 de febrero al 8 de abril en el campus de Aretxabaleta de La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de Mondragon Unibertsitatea. El curso ha sido diseñado en colaboración con la ESCAC, la Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya.

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Mondragon Unibertsitateko Eskoriatzako campusean egin den bosgarren kulturarteko jardunaldian elkarbizitzari eta ekitateari jarri diete arreta bertaratu diren 80 parte-hartzaileek. Ikastetxeetako zuzendariak, irakasleak, gurasoak eta ikasleak elkartu dira jardunaldian.

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Una jornada organizada por la Facultad de de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación analiza las claves para la construcción de comunidades educativas

Jornada Una jornada organizada por la Facultad de de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación analiza las claves para la construcción de comunidades educativas 2024·11·27

En la jornada, que se ha celebrado en el campus de Eskoriatza, además de presentar las principales claves para la construcción de comunidades educativas, se han podido conocer las experiencias existentes a día de hoy y las y los asistentes han trabajado sobre los pasos a dar cara al futuro.

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Registration is now open for the open house events of the degree programs in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Audiovisual Communication and Global Digital Humanities

Open house Registration is now open for the open house events of the degree programs in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Audiovisual Communication and Global Digital Humanities 2024·11·19

The first open houses for the undergraduate degree programs will be held on November 23 on the Eskoriatza, Aretxabaleta and Bilbao AS Fabrik campuses. The events will begin at 11:00 a.m.

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The fifth annual conference on interculturality and coexistence will be held in Eskoriatza on December 13

Conference The fifth annual conference on interculturality and coexistence will be held in Eskoriatza on December 13 2024·11·14

The fifth annual conference on interculturality will be held on December 13. While previous years have focused on language, this year the focus will be on interculturality, equity and co-existence. Under the title ‘Interculturality and coexistence. What have we learned and what do we have to learn?’, the program will include lectures by experts as well as the voices of teachers, families and students.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has opened the call for schools to participate in the Wikikasi project

Digitalization in education The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has opened the call for schools to participate in the Wikikasi project 2024·10·29

In the Wikikasi project, learning situations will be designed to practice Wikipedia and digital skills, and the participating schools will implement pilot projects in Compulsory Secondary Education. The project will continue through the 2026-2027 academic year.

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Nearly one hundred experts in education from the five continents met in a bootcamp at Bilbao AS Fabrik to develop sustainable educational projects and analyze financing opportunities

The future of education Nearly one hundred experts in education from the five continents met in a bootcamp at Bilbao AS Fabrik to develop sustainable educational projects and analyze financing opportunities 2024·10·29

Mondragon University and the Institute for the Future of Education (IFE) of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education held a three-day bootcamp in Bilbao to seek interdisciplinary collaboration strategies for the future of education that can be funded worldwide.

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A conference on local educational communities will be held on the Eskoriatza campus on November 27

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The conference, entitled “Keys to the construction of local educational communities,” will be held the morning of November 27. Based on the ideas in the book of the same name, it aims to create a space for reflection with the facilitating agents of the processes of creation of local educational networks.

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During the 2024-2025 academic year, Mondragon University and the TeamLabs laboratory will offer a variety of courses and training sessions aimed at education professionals.

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Idurre Gaztañazatorre earned a rating of Outstanding “cum laude” for her dissertation, entitled “Hezkuntzaren ikuspegi sozio-kulturalean oinarritutako ikaste-prozesuen karakterizazioa. Kasu baten azterketa: Arrankudiaga Herri Eskola” (“A characterization of learning processes based on the sociocultural perspective of education. A case study: Arrankudiaga Public School”). The defense of the dissertation was held in June on the Eskoriatza campus. We spoke with the author about her research.

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Works may now be submitted for the 18th annual Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival

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Round table Debate on the Basque conflict and its representation in culture on the Aretxabaleta campus 2024·10·10

Writer and cultural agent Gotzon Barandiaran, bertsolari Oihana Iguaran, filmmaker Josu Martínez and writer Iban Zaldua participated in a round table entitled “Kontakizuna kontagai: Euskal gatazka kulturaren talaiatik” (“Telling the story: the Basque conflict from the vantage point of culture”). The event is one of various activities held under the Basque Government’s Plan for Coexistence, Human Rights and Diversity

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