New Project
Any member of the community that forms part of the Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa can participate in the ‘NiZuGu MUgituz Vida Universitaria’ space, aimed at students, teachers, researchers and workers.
An idea becomes a project when it is defined and validated on the reception form. The contract between Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa and the person interested in the project is then confirmed.
Reception sheet
The first step in carrying out the projects would be to fill in the welcome sheet. You can act as a participant or organiser of the project. It would allow you to register for a project that is already active, but also to register the creation of a new project.
Fill in the reception form and share your idea with us
Correctly filled in receipt sheet
- Do not promote initiatives against UN Human Rights.
- Alignment of the project objectives with MGEP's ‘missions’, ‘vision’ and ‘values’.
- The feasibility of acquiring knowledge to enable the project.
- Feasibility of obtaining resources to make the project possible.
- To promote sustainable development (SDGs).
The word contract in the context of NiZuGu Mugituz University Life refers to the commitment between the student and the university. As far as the student is concerned, he/she commits him/herself to:
- Collect personal data.
- Acceptance of the use of the data.
- Approval of the Regulations.
- Ownership of the use of the results will belong to MGEP. Intellectual property (student) Industrial property (MGEP).
The University undertakes to:
- Determination of the area of execution of the project.
- Acquisition of resources for the execution of the project.
- Availability of teaching staff in the event of needing technical advice.
- The availability of professional accompaniers to monitor and guide the development of the project.
- Ensuring the development of the student's competences by means of ECTS credits.
When measuring the success of a project, not only the result obtained, but also the process followed to carry it out will be taken into account. It is therefore essential to monitor the process.
This monitoring will be carried out by NiZuGu MUgituz, responsible for University Life, coordinator and facilitator. The monitoring will be based on 3 axes:
- Programming
- Development of competences
- Budgets
1.1 Rights:
- To participate in any MGEP extracurricular activities (culture, sport and health, solidarity, entrepreneurship).
- To present any project proposal.
- Availability of resources (services, facilities, equipment) for the implementation of validated projects.
- Access to information on extracurricular activities.
- Possibility of formulating complaints or proposals for improvement.
- Others included in the MGEP Statutes.
1.2 Obligations:
- To respect university legislation and the provisions of the NiZuGu regulations, as well as the instructions that the competent bodies of MGEP and MU establish for their application.
- Respect the rights of others, act correctly and treat everyone in the centre appropriately.
- Respect and maintain the facilities, property, material and equipment in good conditions of use.
- Respect the rules of coexistence, use of premises and timetables, guaranteeing the harmony of the centre.
2.1 Rules of coexistence:
- To undertake to take care of the facilities and furniture of the centre.
- Not to smoke inside the centre or at the entrances.
- Not to bring or consume alcoholic beverages or drugs in the centre.
- Not to enter the centre when intoxicated or in a defective state.
- The volume of the sound or audio must be monitored so as not to disturb other users of the centre.
- The visit form must be filled in at the secretary's office at the entrance to building number 5.
2.2 Rules of the multifunctional hall:
- It must be returned in the same condition as it was taken.
- Appropriate use must be made of it.
- The material must be cared for.
2.3 MUMAKERS workshop rules:
- It must be returned as it was taken.
- Proper use must be made of it.
- No tools may be taken out of the workshop.
Failure to comply with internal discipline may be corrected on the basis of intentionality, disturbance, damage caused and repetition or recidivism by other users, in accordance with the following scale. Misdemeanours are classified as minor, serious and very serious.
3.1 Minor offences:
- Repeated failure to comply with the rules governing the use of the centre's services, facilities and equipment as set out in these regulations.
- Repeated failure to comply with the rules of coexistence regulated in these regulations.
- Irresponsible use of the services and slight deterioration of the centre's property, provided that this is dealt with appropriately.
- Infringements in matters of cleanliness and hygiene.
- Improper or abusive use of the common areas.
3.2 Serious offences:
- Serious and notorious non-compliance with the orders, instructions or decisions of those responsible for the centre.
- Failure to comply with orders or instructions regarding the prohibition of the consumption of alcohol or any other narcotic substance shall be considered serious..
- Entering and remaining outside the opening and closing hours of the centre.
- Serious lack of respect and consideration towards the rest of the users or those responsible for the centre, as well as towards any person connected with or present in the centre.
- The intentional destruction or deterioration of movable or immovable property.
- The use of the school or its movable or immovable property for purposes other than those established by regulations.
- Sounds, noise, loud noises, etc. serious disturbance of the harmony affected.
- The commission of any conduct classified as a serious offence within the school by the general disciplinary regulations or as a criminal offence or any conduct contrary to public safety, including consumption in public places, roads, establishments or transport, even when not psychotic in nature, as well as the possession of non-toxic or psychotic substances intended for trafficking, in accordance with Article 25 of Organic Law 1/1992, of 21 February.
- The commission of three minor offences in the same academic year or the repetition of the same minor offence.
3.3. Very serious misconduct:
- Two or more serious misdemeanours in the same academic year.
- Breach of university discipline leading to expulsion from the university.
3.4. Determinations and effects:
These rules apply to all students enrolled at MGEP. Failure to comply with the rules may be sanctioned as a minor or serious offence, and for the determination of the corresponding offence in each case, the assistance of the lecturer, or the coordinator of the working group, the coordinating title or the Academic Coordinator will be sufficient. The sanction that may be imposed may range from a reprimand to expulsion from the school, in this order: call for oral attention, share the situation with the coordinating title of the academic area and, if necessary, open a file.
- Accreditation of ECTS (n.º hours/attendance)
- Proposal for next year (budget)
- Survey (assessment)