Voice care
Conference on voice care
Alfonso Muñoz: Logopeda
Overall objective
To deepen the bases of vocal work, conducting a review of the main pathologies and specifying the basic lines of the prevention and treatment process.
Specific objectives
- To learn about the anatomohysiology of the vocal tract for its correct use.
- To learn about the most frequent vocal pathologies, exploration and diagnosis techniques, and therapeutics.
- To train students on how to apply the techniques of voice re-education.
- To raise awareness among the students regarding their own vocal training, important for preventive work and/or rehabilitation in case of vocal pathologies.
- To provide notions on preventive measures and voice care among professionals who use it as a means of work.
- To learn about the mechanisms of stress and measures to fight it effectively.
- Vocal work: Effective use of the expiratory flow. Increase in vocal elasticity. Voice projection.