Stress management

Stress management workshop

Objectives to be reached

The main purpose is to enable the attendants to know and learn to apply simple stress self-management techniques in daily stress situations, through cognitive, behavioural, physical and emotional techniques.

In addition, it aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Knowing personal situations that cause stress and understanding early signs, through a questionnaire that will be passed on to the attendants.
  • Knowing and incorporating stress management techniques in daily life.
  • Learning and/or reinforcing the Negative Mental Habits (NMH) while reinforcing the positive side of things.
  • Promoting health.


Methodology The training session will be supported through theoretical presentations and practical exercises on the topics addressed. It will also include audio-visual support on the subject and various documents sent via email, to be read by the attendees, expanding the knowledge addressed in the session.

The training session will end with a commitment to improvement and an action plan. Action plans are improvement commitments aimed at changing habits or behaviours. Each person participating in the course can prepare an action plan for aspects in which they wish to improve, detailing actions to be carried out and establishing their own timing.

Duration of the workshop

The workshop will have a duration of 8 hours.


José Morgado Nisa, Sociologist and Professional Coach certified by International Coaching School.  Superior Technician in PRL, Master in Human Resources and Environmental Education.