Information for companies

Dual Programme

We are an innovative university, committed to our social and business environment.


The Dual programme offers an in-company experience based on different models adapted to each student.

We have been adjusting our programme whilst adapting to the cultural changes of our environment throughout more than 50 years of history.

Our goal is to ensure that all modes of Study-Work Programme, Dual Training, End-of-Degree/Master’s Project respond to:

 A quality student learning experience

 The needs of companies

 External criteria (national and European)

What is the Dual programme?

  1. It combines training in the company and in the university.
  2. It is a learning experience in a company that enriches one’s CV.
  3. It is a way to finance one’s studies.


Within the Dual programme, two modalities are offered that adapt the interests of the students.

Work Study Alternation

  • From any stage of the studies.
  • Flexible mode, start and end dates adapted to each student.
  • Registers in the EST (European Supplement to the Title).
  • Part-time working.
  • Main deadlines for applications: July and December.

More information

Request incorporation of a student

Final Degree Project / Final Master's Project (FDP/FMP)

  • FDP Final Degree Projects.
  • During the last year of the degree or master's degree.
  • Registers in the EST (European Supplement to the Title).
  • Full time working.
  • Main deadlines for applications: July and December.

More information

Request incorporation of a student


Dual Programme 

The participating student can achieve Dual Mention recognition if he/she develops the dual pathway in a company in the 3rd and 4th year of the Bachelor's degree or throughout the 1st and 2nd year of the Master's degree. The degree must have been positively assessed for dual recognition.

* Not active for first year undergraduate students.


Degrees and their professional profiles

Degree Master's degree
PDF Degree in Mechanical Engineering PDF Master's Degree in Strategic Design of Products and Services
PDF Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering PDF Master's Degree in Business Innovation and Project Management
PDF Degree in Industrial Organisations Engineering PDF Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering
PDF Degree in Industrial Electronics Engineering PDF Master's Degree in Energy and Power Electronics
PDF Degree in Computer Engineering PDF Master's Degree in Robotics and Control System
PDF Degree in Energy Engineering PDF Master's Degree in Biomedical Technologies
PDF Degree in Eco-technology in Industrial Processes Engineering PDF Master's Degree in Data Analysis, Cybersecurity and Cloud Computing
PDF Degree in Biomedical Engineering LINK Master Degree in Smart Energy System
PDF Degree in Mechatronics Engineering LINK Master Degree in Supply Chain, Manufacturing and Logistics Management
Degree in Physics applied to Industry Engineering Master Degree in Applied Artificial Intelligence


