What is a PhD?

Doctoral Programme

PhD Programme in Gastronomy Sciencies


Full time: 4 years (+1-year extension if approved).

Part time: 7 years (+1-year extension if approved).


Donostia - San Sebastián

Class size

5 places


Spanish, Basque, English



What is a doctorate?

The objective of the doctorate period is for the doctoral student to develop a research project that leads to the completion of a doctoral thesis. The project will be directed by a doctor belonging to one of the research groups associated with the doctorate programme. The thesis may have a co-director from another institution. The programme makes the services and infrastructure required to carry out their research available to all doctoral students.

The doctoral student begins the process by enrolling in this doctorate programme, which lasts for three years if the process is completed full time (which can be extended up to two additional years under exceptional circumstances), and five years if the process is completed part time (which can be extended up to three additional years under exceptional circumstances).

The doctoral student must enrol in the doctorate programme annually. A tutor will be selected at the start of the process, who will guide the doctoral student and collaborate on monitoring. A director or directors will be selected for the doctoral student within a maximum period of three months.

The doctoral student will create an annual Research Plan (PI) with the help of their tutor and director, which will include strategic planning for the full development of the research work and annual planning that details the academic year's corresponding training and research activities. Likewise, the Personalised Activity Document (DAP) will be compiled with the help of the doctoral student's tutor and director, which will include all of the activities that they will carry out during each academic year, and documentary proof will be supplied. This document will be evaluated qualitatively when the doctoral thesis is defended.

If the doctoral student wishes to obtain the International Doctorate mention, they must complete a three-month minimum stay at a higher education institution or research centre that does not belong to Spain. When defending their theses, doctoral students must keep standards regarding this doctorate programme in mind.

Nazioarteko doktoregoaren aipamena lortu nahi izanez gero, doktoregaiak gutxienez hiru hilabeteko egonaldi bat egin beharko du Espainiatik kanpoko goi-mailako hezkuntza-erakunde batean edo ikerketa-zentro batean. Tesia defendatzeko, doktorego-programa horren inguruko araudia kontuan izan beharko da.

Once the thesis and pertinent paperwork are complete, the doctoral student will publicly defend their thesis before the designated academic committee according to this programme's standards.

Doctorate Programme Coordinator

  • Juan Carlos Arboleya

Doctorate Programme Academic Committee (CAPD):

The Academic Committee is comprised of academics responsible for the doctorate programme, representatives of the research groups associated with the programme, and the thesis directors.

Specifically, the Academic Committee of this doctorate programme will be comprised of the following members:

  • Vice Chancellor of Mondragon Unibertsitatea
  • Doctorate Programme Coordinator
  • Three doctors associated with the doctorate programme

Student admission into the doctorate programme, doctoral thesis monitoring, doctoral student activity register evaluation, thesis academic committee approval, and all other academic functions corresponding to tertiary studies are the responsibility of the academic committee.