Registration and enrolment

Doctoral Programme

PhD Programme in Gastronomy Sciencies


Full time: 4 years (+1-year extension if approved).

Part time: 7 years (+1-year extension if approved).


Donostia - San Sebastián

Class size

5 places


Spanish, Basque, English




Candidates interested in enrolling in the doctoral program must complete the online application form whitin the specified registration periods. 

Regular period: 15 April to 15 May

Additional period: 15 June to 15 September


Student registration must be accompanied by the following documentation:

Students that have previously completed studies at European Higher Education Area (EHEA) universities:

  • ID document
  • Official academic certification in studies providing acceptance
  • Certified photocopy of the degree providing acceptance into the doctorate studies programme, or a photocopy of the request receipt.
  • CV
  • English accreditation and, if Spanish is not a native language, Spanish accreditation
  • Cover letter
  • Thesis project (maximum two pages)

Students that have previously completed university studies outside the EHEA.

  • The same documentation as that required of students with EHEA studies, as well as,
  • Certification that the prior degree provides the bearer acceptance into doctorate studies programmes in the country from which it is issued.


Two enrolment periods are established in function of whether the doctorate programme begins in January:

Regular period: 1 July to 15 July

Additional period: 1 December to 15 December