Training activities

Doctoral Programme

PhD Programme in Applied Engineering


Full-time: 4 years

Part-time: 7 years



Class size

30 places


Spanish, Basque, English



Traininng Activities

Throughout the programme, the following training activities have been envisaged, with the following provisional plan, broken down according to the full or part-time nature of the doctorate.

Training activities and provisional scheduling done throughout the training programme: Doctoral programme training


Training Program


  • S: Spanish
  • E: English


Doctorate Specific Training I* • Individual Supervised Training

  Course Name Language Duration (hours)
PDF Mechanical vibration: numerical simulation and experimental techniques E 50
PDF Acoustics: numerical simulation and experimental techniques S 50
PDF Advanced numerical simulation with ABAQUS S 50
PDF Tribology S 25
PDF Corrosion, electrochemical behaviour S 25
PDF Phenomena of transport in fluids: Analytical, experimental and numerical development S 50
PDF New magnetoreologic materials: Formulation, characterization and modelling S 25
PDF Structural design/characterization with composites S 25
PDF Outside autoclave composite processes S 25
PDF Thermodynamic modelling and micro-structural analysis of processes and solidification of alloys/ Thermodynamic and micro-structural modelling of alloy solidification and processing E 100
PDF Advanced techniques of machining studies S 50
PDF Advanced control of electronic propulsion S 50
PDF Electromagnetic simulation by finite elements (FEM) of electrical machines S 50
PDF Tools for quantitative and qualitative research S 125
PDF Reliable Embedded Systems S 50
PDF Development of model-driven software S 75

* The student should do at least one of the specific training courses relating to the research line of the thesis.


Transversal II •
Structured in Courses

  Course Name Language Duration (hours)
PDF Production of Scientific Texts II S 25
PDF Online Research S 75
PDF Technical documents of research S 25
PDF Innovation and entrepreneurship S 50



Unregulated Training

  Course Name Language Duration (hours)
PDF Attendance at specialised conferences.    
PDF Presentation of Papers and Posters.    
PDF Writing and sending of articles for their revision and CONTRIBUTION    
PDF Participation in research projects, in different fields (national and international).    
PDF Participation in research contracts, in different fields (national and international).    
PDF Participation in research contracts, in different fields (national and international).    
PDF Drafting of Patents.    
PDF Doing stays in external centres.    
PDF Course programmes in other universities.    
PDF Anything else previously approved by the CAP.