Programmes and evaluation reports

Doctoral Programme

PhD Programme in Applied Engineering


Full-time: 4 years

Part-time: 7 years



Class size

30 places


Spanish, Basque, English




The body responsible for the system of management of this institution, it is the management system committee, composed of:

  • The director of the EPS
  • The coordinator of systems and transversal services
  • A representative of the PAS
  • A coordinator of department
  • Three representatives of the trs, one for each activity (accredited training, continuous training and R & T)
  • A student



The EHEA framework and the new changes introduced in Spanish regulations establish that universities must guarantee, through their actions, the fulfilment of objectives related to the tuition given, always in search of continuous improvement.

For this reason, the HPC (Higher Polytechnic College) of Mondragon University has designed its own system of Internal Quality Assurance in accordance with the principles and guidelines of the AUDIT programme of NAQAA (National Agency of Quality Assessment and Accreditation).


Link to the Internal Quality Assurance System of Goi Eskola Politeknikoa.



This is a programme for the evaluation of the proposals of official study plans designed in line with the EHEA (European Higher Education Area).

A favourable ANECA report is an essential pre-requisite for the degree to become official.

Application Approval Report Final ANECA/UNIBASQ report Formal agreements and enrolment in the RUCT
PDF 2013 PDF 2013 PDF Report



A programme for the proposal of modifications to the verification report of an oficial degree.

REPORT HOMOLOGATION REQUEST Final ANECA/UNIBASQ report Formal agreements and enrolment in the RUCT
PDF 2019 PDF 2019 Link to the RUCT



This is a programme available to of universities to help the monitoring of official degrees with the aim of validating their correct implementation and results.

Monitoring Report UNIBASQ REport
PDF 2017/18 To be Recieved



This is a programme which ultimately aims to validate official degrees. Its main objective is to verify the adequacy of degree results and to guarantee the continuity of teaching standards until the subsequent renewal of acreditación.

Renewd degree's accreditation
PDF 2022


Further Information