Access and admission

Doctoral Programme

PhD Programme in Applied Engineering


Full-time: 4 years

Part-time: 7 years



Class size

30 places


Spanish, Basque, English



Admission Requirements

Students with the following may enrol in the doctorate,

  • In general, admission to this doctoral programme requires possession of an Spanish official Bachelor's degree or equivalent, and a Masters degree.
  • Admission may also be given to those who:
    1. Have an official Spanish university degree or that of another country within the European Higher Education Area, which allows access to a Masters degree, and have achieved a minimum of 300 ECTS credits for official university studies, of which at least 60 are at Masters level.
    2. Have an official Spanish Bachelors degree, whose duration of at least 300 ECTS credits. These graduates must do the compulsory supplementary training referred to in article 7.2 of ROYAL DECREE 99/2011, unless the curriculum of the corresponding degree includes research training credits of equivalent value to that of the Masters degree.
    3. Have a degree obtained according to foreign educational systems, after verification by Mondragon University that it accredits a training level equivalent to the Spanish official degree of Master and that it would allow access to doctoral studies in the country issuing the degree.
    4. Have another Spanish Doctoral degree obtained according to previous university arrangements.


Recommended Admissions Profile

The recommended admission profile for prospective students for the lines of research of this doctoral programme combines the following characteristics:

Characteristic 1. Academic training in any of the following degrees:

For theses developed within the area of Mechanical Behaviour and Product Design:

  • Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Materials Engineering, Higher Degree in Physics, and their equivalents, or Industrial Technical Engineering (fundamentally in the Mechanics speciality). 60 ECTS at Masters level should have been gained through this training, or, failing that, 60 or 120 ECTS respectively of specialised training in a Masters degree relating to engineering. It is recommended that training in research task initiation should have been acquired in the course of the Masters degree.
  • Foreign qualifications similar to those described in the two previous paragraphs.

For theses developed within the area of Science, Technology and Material Manufacturing Processes:

  • Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Materials Engineering, Higher Degree in Physics, Higher Degree in Chemistry and equivalents, or Technical Industrial Engineering (mainly in the areas of Mechanics and Chemistry). 60 ECTS at Masters level should have been gained through this training, or, failing that, 60 or 120 ECTS respectively of specialised training in a Masters degree relating to engineering. It is recommended that training in research task initiation should have been acquired in the course of the Masters degree.
  • Foreign qualifications similar to those described in the two previous paragraphs.

For theses developed within the area of Electrical Energy:

Industrial Engineering, Automotive Engineering and Industrial Electronics, Electronic Engineering, and its equivalent, or Technical Industrial Engineering (mainly in the specialities of Electricity and Industrial Electronics). 60 ECTS at Masters level should have been gained through this training, or, failing that, 60 or 120 ECTS respectively of specialised training in a Masters degree relating to engineering. It is recommended that training in research task initiation should have been acquired in the course of the Masters degree.

  • Foreign qualifications similar to those described in the two previous paragraphs.

Characteristic 2. High understanding of English, comparable to B2 level within the European framework.

Characteristic 3. Has previously undertaken a stay abroad under the mobility programmes.


Admissions Procedure and Criteria

The following admission procedure to the doctoral programme has been established:

Student applications for admission to the doctoral programme will be evaluated using a scoring system between 0 and 100 points calculated according to the admission criteria indicated; these scores shall be weighted according to the following percentages:

  • The average mark obtained in the Academic record (75%)
  • The candidate's accredited level of English (5%)
  • The curriculum vitae (10%)
  • Interview with the candidate (10%). Academic aspects that are valued:
    • Level of specialisation in the area of the research line that the student wishes to access.
    • Level and characteristics of the internship (institution, content of internship, duration).
    • Time required to complete previous studies (according to whether it is full-time or part-time).
    • Grants which could be obtained through academic performance (scholarships for excellence, collaboration scholarships, grants to study foreign languages).
    • Communication skills in Spanish/Basque and English (ability to express an argument, explain motives…).

In order to be admitted, the applicant must achieve a minimum of 50 points out of 100.


Number of Places 

The programme offers 30 places each year.