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News published about the Covid-19 by Mondragon University


More than 80% of Mondragon University undergraduates and Master’s students have started the academic year with 100% in-person classes, and the remaining 20% will join them beginning on


More than 80% of Mondragon University undergraduates and Master’s students have started the academic year with 100% in-person classes, and the remaining 20% will join them beginning on

The Department of Education has decided to return to in-person classes in the Basque university system.



On September 24, the Department of Education, after sharing the proposal with the managing team of the Department of Health, decided to return to 100% in-person education throughout the Basque university system as of October 4.

The decision made by the Department of Education is based primarily on 4 factors:

  • the positive development of the pandemic in the Basque university system;
  • the level of vaccination in the pertinent age group;
  • the good management of the Basque university system throughout the pandemic; and
  • the positive development of the pandemic in society in general.

Given this decision, beginning on Monday, October 4, Mondragon University will return to 100% in-person instruction in those Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs that due to the pandemic are not yet being taught fully in person.

Note that more than 80% of Mondragon University’s undergraduate and Master’s degree programs have already started the 2021-22 academic year in a 100% in-person format. Thus, beginning October 4, this situation will be extended to 100% of its degree programs, while of course maintaining all relevant protocols and security stipulations.

In this new context, Mondragon University reconfirms its learning model, which focuses on the person and promotes active methodologies for skill development. Our learning activities include both teamwork and individual work, in both in-person and remote learning, as well as an evaluation system consistent with our learning model.