Objectives and competences
"You will increase the productivity and efficiency of companies by optimising their resources"
You will acquire the knowledge required to make industrial activities more competitive and sustainable, promoting improvement and innovation in technological products and processes, as well as in organisational models in companies.
This engineering degree combines technical aspects with management mechanisms, with one of its main functions being the coordination and management of work teams.
Moreover, due to our challenge-based learning approach, you will be able to apply the concepts learned to real life settings, thereby acquiring the skills sought by companies. In this way, after graduating in Organisational Engineering you will be able to:
Leadership skills and a global and strategic vision to address the strategic challenges of organisations.
Define, plan, implement and control projects in accordance with the main constraints (time, deadlines, costs, resources...)
You will be able to find innovative and quick solutions to problems by yourself.
Manufacture, manage and launch new products, minimising their environmental impact throughout their life cycle, to enable companies to grow.
Manage the key parameters of the value chain to efficiently streamline industrial and service processes and activities.
You will be able to manage groups of people in professional roles, as well as the material resources needed for the purpose.
Furthermore, thanks to our own, unique learning model based on practice, you will be able to apply all the concepts learned in real environments, thus acquiring the skills required by companies.
Analyse data to make judgements, transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Develop those learning skills necessary to continue learning throughout your professional life.
Define, implement and monitor an organisation's processes and procedures
Assist in the launch of new products so that they can be suitably planned, manufactured and managed, minimising their environmental impact throughout their life cycle.
Generate, manage and understand/interpret documentation, from its identification, archiving and distribution to its up-dating and deletion.
This qualification is not included among the qualifications referred to in Law 12/1986, of 1 April, on the regulation of the professional powers of Architects and Technical Engineers. (BOE no. 79/02-04-1986).
The learning outcomes achieved in this degree are in line with Level 2 of the MECES (Spanish Framework of Higher Education Qualifications).
Students who meet the requirements set out in Decree 47/2012 of 3 April on ‘‘Recognition of official studies carried out in the Basque Country and exemption from accreditation with degrees and linguistic certificates in the Basque language’,you will be able to obtain exemption from accreditation of the level equivalent to C1 (EGA).
Requirements for studying Industrial Organisation Engineering
- You are attracted to the world of organisations and the world of industry
- You are able to summarise and analyse
- You like to understand how companies work and know the role of each person in the workforce.
- You are an organised and detail-oriented person
- You are good at numbers, calculating and statistics
- You are analytical, logical and rational
- You like to work in a team and coordinate it
This is your degree. It is the ideal choice for you because it combines the world of industry with the world of business.
Requirements for access to the Industrial Organization Engineering
Degree subjects
- Manufacturing Processes
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Quality, Safety and the Environment
- Quantitative Methods of Industrial Organisation
- Optimisation Techniques and Tools
- Industrial Project Management
- Creativity Techniques
- Quality Engineering
Employment opportunities in Industrial Organization Engineering
You will be able to work in sectors with huge potential such as research, the motor industry, aeronautics, and the manufacture of capital goods, in positions such as:
- Production Manager.
- Purchasing Manager.
- Logistics Manager
- Quality manager.
- Maintenance Supervisor