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Official Degree

Graduate in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation


240 ECTS

4 years


Campus: Bidasoa, Bilbao, Oñati

Laboratories: Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Malaga; Berlin-Germany; Shanghai-China; Seoul-Corea; Puebla-Mexico, Querétaro-Mexico


Spanish, Basque, English



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Learn and Travel Around the World and Meet the MTA Community

EDUCATIONAL TRIPS Learn and Travel Around the World and Meet the MTA Community

Travelling is an unfathomable source of learning that opens us up to new contexts, lets us meet other people and come into contact with other ways of thinking that can help transform us.

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Entrepreneurial Projects that Change the World

HIGHLIGHTS Entrepreneurial Projects that Change the World

The Final Project takes place at the end of the degree, specifically in the fourth academic year.

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What happens after LEINN

THE FUTURE What happens after LEINN

Many parents ask us what their child will do after graduating.

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