Registration and enrolment

Oficial Degree

Degree in Business Administration and Management by Mondragon Unibertsitatea


240 ETCS

4 years


Oñati, Bidasoa, Bilbao


Basque, Spanish, English


DUAL, On-site

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When to register?

  • Normal period: from 04-11-2024 to 16-05-2025.
  • Extended period: In the case of qualifications with vacant places, extraordinary dates will be announced.

Where to register?

It is essential to attach a copy of your ID document.



The enrollment will be made once the student has been admitted to the degree that has been registered.

  • Early deadline: June 2025
  • Extended deadline: In the case of qualifications with vacant places, extraordinary dates will be announced.

Those who have not been admitted on a particular course, may indicate their interest in it, by notifying by email or telephone, in ordes to be taken into account again if there are still vacancies and we will proceed with a 2nd student selection phase in July and September.

Those who have completed registration in the regular period will have priority over those who have done so in September.

The deadline for registration at Biteri Hall of Residence coincides in all cases with the course enrolment deadline.


Registration and Numbert of Credits 

  • Mode: Face-to-face
  • No. of credits:
    • First-time Registration: First-time students must register all the credits corresponding to the first year.For those with special educational needs, or exceptional personal circumstances, application can be made direct to the dean of the faculty, who may allow a lower number of credits that that stated in the previous paragraph; this can never be fewer than stated in the previous paragraph, they may not never be lower than the minimum number of credits that are required by students in successive registrations.
    • Subsequent registrations: Having met the attendance requirement, students must register a minimum of 30 credits, except when the total number of credits they need to complete the degree is lower than this minimum, in which case all of these are registered.The student must include within the subjects chosen those studied the previous year and not passed, even if these subjects exceed the minimum number of credits established for the degree.