Objectives and competences

Oficial Degree

Degree in Business Administration and Management by Mondragon Unibertsitatea


240 ETCS

4 years


Oñati, Bidasoa, Bilbao


Basque, Spanish, English


DUAL, On-site

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The general objective the degree in Business Administration and Management is to train professionals able to lead efficiently companies both the public and private sectors. The sectors in which mainly these professionals will stop off, will be the industrial and services and jobs are related, among other, with the following areas:

  • Financial area (banking, insurance, financial markets,...)
  • Commercial (marketing, sales, customers,...)
  • Logistics (logistics, transport, international trade,...)
  • Management and coordination of people
  • Management
  • New business initiatives
  • Consultancy, asesoría
  • Business information systems (knowledge management, communication,...)
  • Teaching and research


To understand and interpret knowledge about:

  • The company and its environment:
    • Principles of microeconomics: Course / demand and price system, consumer and Production theory, competitive equilibrium and market failures, non-competitive markets, economic efficiency and welfare theory.
    • Principles of macroeconomics: The circular flow of income, basic macroeconomic indicators, demand / course aggregated, the overall balance of the economy, growth and instruments of economic policy.
    • Relationship between the different variables of the economic environment: Macroeconomic problems and their solution, Spanish and international economy, productive sectors, public sector, economic institutions and its evolution.
    • Characteristics of the decision-making and the theories used to describe them.
    • Nature and behaviour of the company: The company and its environment, the different functional areas of the company.
    • Principles of accounting: conceptual framework, annual accounts and analysis of accounting groups.
    • Principles of civil law, commercial, fiscal and employment.
    • Structural traits of cooperativism and social economy companies.
    • Principles of Sociology: The organisation as system.
  • Management and organisation of companies
  • Main types of organisation and its main characteristics associated: Organisational structure, organisational models and models of management.
  • Principles of strategic management: Concept of strategy, business strategies, strategic management process.
  • Principles and procedures used in the preparation of the diagnosis of the situation and the results of the company and the variation of funds.
  • Main techniques of calculation of costs and the consequent decision-making.
  • Principles of commercial strategy and policy: Marketing, Marketing Mix.
  • Main techniques of selection of investment projects, financing structure, cost of capital, and analysis of risk-profitability
  • Main techniques used in production, logistics and transport: Purchases and supplies, operations and production, storage, distribution and transport
  • Principles and procedures used in the management and coordination of persons: Incorporation of people, professional development, systems of remuneration, problems and trends in the management of people.
  • Properties of the models of quality management: Total Quality, management models, management processes.
  • Principles and procedures used in the implementation of the sstemas of information: Language, infrastructure, management and people in information systems.
  • Main techniques of innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Principles of management of cooperatives: Cooperative law, accounting for cooperatives, taxation of cooperatives, model of cooperative management.
  • Instrumental knowledge
  • Principles of mathematics and statistics applied to the company: Functions of a variable, functions of several variables, descriptive statistgics, series, Probability, random variables, regression models.
  • Main computer tools of implementation in the enterprise: Windows environment, processor of text, road, electronic databases, presentations.
  • Knowledge of English applied to the company.


To apply the previous knowledge to future professional situations and develop competences related to the elaboration and defence of arguments and solving problems within their field of study.

  • To be able to manage and administer a company or organisation.
  • To be able to integrate in any functional area of a business or organisation and play any work of management.
  • Elaborate, assess and manage business projects in global management or of functional areas of the company.
  • Identifying the sources of economic relevant information and its content.
  • Administer and develop the human talent in the organisation.
  • Detect opportunities to undertake new business, innovate and / or to develop new products.
  • To formulate and optimise information systems.
  • Develop a strategic and operational planning, tactics.
  • Identify and optimise the business processes of the organizations.
  • Establish and maintain relations both internally and externally of the company.

To have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data in order to make judgements that include a reflection on relevant topics of social, scientific or ethical nature.

  • Issuing reports of advice on specific situations of companies and markets.
  • Interpret and evaluate the information of the company for decision-making.
  • Use the technology of information and communications in all their professional performance


To be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both skilled and unskilled.

  • Read and communicate in more than one language, especially in English.
  • Effective communication: Use, transmit and / or generate information from the obtaining, contrast and treatment of various sources, generating documentation, ways of doing and trouble-free relations and effective in the context of the work to be undertaken.
  • Resolution of problems: Act proactively to the emerging problems, raising different responses alternatives and anticipating possible results, to select the most effective re-assessed to implement it and in the context of the work to be undertaken.
  • Leadership: Know work with the people, and in a dynamic involving and directing to a common objective, with a global vision of the work to develop and the characteristics that the same requires (quality, deadlines,...), balancing the individual interests and the groups.
  • Global vision: Have a comprehensive picture of the tasks and activities to develop along the course, to act and organised way planned anticipating resources and dosificando efforts in function of the work to develop; building over time of a broad training image on the profession selected, its role in the society, and its possible development, to facilitate their labour insertion and plan their professional career.
  • Learning-to-learn: Apply previously acquired knowledge and strategies for generating new learning, reflecting on the procedures and contexts more suitable to acquire and develop knowledge in all situations and transferring them to new ones.
  • To work in team: Cooperate with others in work towards the achievement of common objectives, planning in Co-ordination the actions, exchanging information, assuming responsibilities and facing conflicts and problems that arise, with absolute respect for fundamental rights and equality between men and women.
  • Decision-making: Select and apply a measure, a proposal,..., between several alternatives to respond in time and form pertinentes- to the needs and / or contingencies raised in the context of the work to be undertaken.

Transversal competences:

  • Effective communication
  • Resolution of problems
  • Leadership
  • Global vision
  • Learning-to-learn
  • Teamwork
  • Decision-making