
Oficial Degree

Degree in Business Administration and Management by Mondragon Unibertsitatea


240 ETCS

4 years


Oñati, Bidasoa, Bilbao


Basque, Spanish, English


DUAL, On-site

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Faculty of Business Studies

MU Entrepreneurship is the legal entity of the Faculty of Business, integrated in the Mondragon University.

Mondragon University is a University of social initiative and vocation, declared of public utility and non-profit.

Committed since its birth with the quality in education and the practical orientation of its studies, in Mondragon University we attach great importance to the integral training of students.

Our membership in the MONDRAGON Corporation allows us to maintain close proximity to the business world, enabling our students to get in touch with the work situation from the beginning of their studies.

The Faculty of Business has three campuses: the Oñati campus, the Bidasoa campus (Irun) and the BBF (Bilbao).

Our main activities are training, research, development and innovation.