Activities and visits

Visits to centers

Mondragon University visits more than 100 centers a year to inform high school students about its educational offerings.

These sessions are usually attended in person and allow the participants to clarify their doubts.

If you want to get information about these possibilities and/or you want to close a visit to your center, please contact Bea Guereñu through this email address

Open days

Throughout the academic year, Mondragon University will hold several open days to provide both students and their families with the information they need about the grades, as well as to allow them to visit the buildings, classrooms, workshops, laboratories, etc.

If you are interested in registering for any of the open days, click on the "sign up" button and if you need to see or download the poster with all the open days organized, click on the "poster" button.

Sign up  Poster



All the information about the admission process to study at Mondragon University can be found at this link.


Activities with educational centers

Throughout the course, Mondragon University organizes for or together with the educational centers an infinite number of workshops, conferences, talks, etc. The following are the activities planned for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Engineering   Comunication