Prices, registration and enrolment



In this section the prices and description of the steps to follow in the registration process for Biteri Hall next academic year can be found.

It is important to bear in mind that this information, especially referring to prices and dates, might vary for the coming academic year, so that is recommended to regard this information as provisional.

  1. These prices are provisional pending approval by the MGEP Board of Directors in july 2024.


The annual cost of boarding is established by the Governing Council, with the rest of the prices of MGEP.


  • All the prices include permission to use the various facilities, access to swimming pool as well as all the activities that are carried out during the course.
  • Full board: Includes breakfast, lunch and dinner during the week. At weekends there is no canteen service but students body may request permission to use a shared kitchen. Foreign students body will have priority in terms of availability of shared kitchens.
  • Only accommodation: They share a kitchen with the rest of the students. This service is intended for foreign students or for those who are in their second year or more at the Colegio Mayor. They can buy dining room vouchers whenever they want.

Long stay (whole course in 10 instalments)

These are Biteri Hall prices for the whole course. When registering you must pay a deposit of €749 which will be returned at the end of the course.

Tipe of room Full board Only accomodation (option for students from abroad and veteran students)
SINGLE ROOM Private shower and toilet 9.916 €/year 6.183 €/year
SINGLE ROOM Shared shower and toilet 9.092 €/year 5.666 €/year
DOUBLE ROOM Private shower and toilets 9.092 €/year 5.666 €/year
DOUBLE ROOM Shared shower and toilet 8.267 €/year 5.152 €/year



10% DISCOUNT on the annual fee by booking your place before 19 April 2024 (only for the full board option and paying 500€ in advance).


Short stay (1-5 months)

These are the prices of the Colegio Mayor Biteri for short stays. Aimed at exchange students or research staff. A guarantee fund of €258 for 1 month stays and €595 for stays of 2 to 5 months must be paid at the time of enrolment and will be returned at the end of the stay.

tipe of room full board only accomodation (option for students from abroad and veteran students)
SINGLE ROOM Private shower and toilet 1.103 €/month 687 €/month
SINGLE ROOM Shared shower and toilet 1.011 €/month 630 €/month
DOUBLE ROOM Private shower and toilets 1.011 €/month 630 €/month
DOUBLE ROOM Shared shower and toilet 919 €/month 572 €/month

Other prices (per day)

These are the prices of the Colegio Mayor Biteri for stays of less than one month. It is mainly aimed at exchange students or research staff.

tipe of room full board half boad only accomodation
ALL ROOMS 54,74 €/day 44,20 €/day 31,34 €/day


If interested in using the Biteri Hall of Residence for the university stay at Arrasate-Mondragon, please follow the steps below:
  1. Registration.
  2. Enrolment. 


This inscription consists of a set of data for provisions of the Hall of Residence and a means of contact for subsequent processing. 

The inscription in Biteri Hall of Residence must be accompanied by the inscription in any qualifications of Mondragon Unibertsitatea. One of the pages must indicate that you are interested in residing in the Biteri Hall of Residence. 

  • Period: Begins the 2nd of November 2023 and ends th 10th of Month 2024.
  • DISCOUNT: if you register for the whole year with full board before 19 April, we will give you a 10% discount. Contact for more information.

Online registration

It does not imply any vacancy reservation, so even students who have made it must formalise the enrolment in the stipulated terms.


The dates for the formalisation of enrolment in the Hall of Residence coincide with the enrolment period in the different Campuses of Mondragon Unibertsitatea: 

  • NORMAL PERIOD: it will be open from June 2024 (DEGREE) and July 2024 (MASTER).
  • EXCEPTIONAL PERIOD: In the case of having vacant seats, extraordinary dates will be announced.

The enrolment in Biteri Hall of Residence is completed online along with the academic qualifications. 

Conditions for enrolment: being enrolled in university studies.

If the demand for vacancies in the Hall of Resident is greater than the vacancies offered, those who have made the registration will have preference over those who have not done so. In this case, people who have not been assigned a room will be part of a wait list (ordered according to the date of registration or enrolment), and will be informed by telephone in the event that any vacancy becomes available.