Vicente Atxa, MONDRAGON's new Vice-President and General Manager of Knowledge Division


Vicente Atxa, MONDRAGON's new Vice-President and General Manager of Knowledge Division


Vicente Atxa, MONDRAGON's new Vice-President and General Manager of Knowledge Division

He will combine his new role with his current position as Rector of Mondragon Unibertsitatea.



At its session held today, the Standing Committee of the Congress ratified the decision of the Governing Body of the Knowledge Division to appoint Vicente Atxa as General Manager and at the same time appointed him as Vice-President of MONDRAGON.

This completes the organisational structure of his dicision, which was formally set up in July 2023 at the MONDRAGON Congress. The knowledge division integrates educational centres, the university and technology centres. The co-operatives that the division brings together are: Arizmendi Ikastola, Lea Artibai Ikastetxea, Politeknika Txorierri, Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, MU Enpresagintza, Huhezi, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Ikerlan, Lortek, Leartiker and MIK. The knowledge division employs around 2.000 people, and has an aggregate budget of 150 million euros and a total of 22 sites theought the Basque Country.

The new vice-president will combine this new function with his current role as Rector of Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

Atxa, 58, is an electronics engineer from Mondragon Unibertsitatea and holds a PhD in electronics and communications from Staffordshire University. He is currently Rector of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and was previously Director of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa.