The student Igor Azkarate Fernandez obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification
The student Igor Azkarate Fernandez obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification
The student Igor Azkarate Fernandez obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification
Thesis title: "Aplicación de tecnologías de digitalización a sistemas industriales automatizados basados en controladores lógicos programables"
- Chairmanship: Ekaitz Zulueta Guerrero (UPV/EHU)
- Vocal: Itziar Ricondo Iriondo (IDEKO)
- Vocal: Mikel Maiza Galparsoro (VICOMTECH)
- Vocal: Eloy Irigoyen Gordo (UPV/EHU)
- Secretary: Aitor Agirre Ortuzar (Mondragon Unibertsitatea)
In an industrial environment in which delivery times of automated solutions are a differential in the market, one of the main concerns of the technical staff of development companies is to speed up the development, testing and validation of control device code. The application of digitization technologies represents a paradigm shift not only in the testing and validation of software, but also in supporting the design of new methodologies that systematize programming and reduce errors at their source. In this thesis work the emulation of automated industrial systems is experimented with as a tool to speed up the mentioned phases, as well as in others of the lifecycle of such systems.