The 2021 MGEP´s winning projects of the 2nd edition of the TPS start contest


The 2021 MGEP´s winning projects of the 2nd edition of the TPS start contest


The 2021 MGEP´s winning projects of the 2nd edition of the TPS start contest

KIMUBERRI has facilitated the reward awarded to the three leading projects and also to the best entrepreneurial pitching in a contest that fosters alumni´s sustainable technological entrepreneurship in MGEP.



On November 3rd was held the closing and the awards ceremony of the 2nd edition of the TECHNOPRENEURSH TPS start contest, an initiative aimed for the students of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa where a set of multiple-disciplinary teams were presented.

In this edition 9 were the total projects submitted where 35 students from different degrees like mechatronics engineering, master in robotics and cibersecurity or computer engineering or biomedics participated. The final 5 teams displayed excellent skills in their 3 minutes pitching to the jury. Jury members represented key leading agents in the field of entrepreneurship: Aritz Otxandiano, chairman of Gizabidea Fundazioa (Fagor Group), Joseba Sagarna and Javier Bikuña, both responsables of Saiolan Business innovation and promotion center, Idurre Albizu, responsable of Business development and communication of Garaia Technology Park, Maria Ruiz and Gorka Carvallo of Kimuberri, Idoia Apraiz, of Galbaian, and Javier González and Gala Maturana, of EIT Manufacturing CLC West. Also Roberto Uribeetxebarria, R&T coordinator of MEGP and Maite Couto, Germán Anitua and Laida San Sebastián, all responsible of the development of technological entrepreneurship of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa.

Nerves appeared during the Q&A stage. Both the jury and the panel of experts had a heated discussion and finally decided to reward with the first prize to the best technology-based business to EVL. A project submitted by Rafael Rodriguez, a student on the robotics and control system master degree at the campus of Arrasate and with his proposal of charger locker for electric vehicles.

Olatz Sanz, a fourth year student in biomedical engineering taking the Technological Entrepreneurship itinerary in MGEP in her last academic year, was awarded with the second prize to her Project titled as CARDIOVIVE, a device designed to sensor of vital signs that monitorise the cardiovascular diseases.

The third prize was awarded to UR-CLEAN, submitted by Andoni Unzueta, a second year mechatronic student at the BILBO As Fabrik campus, who stood out for his courageous proposal for a self-sustaining propulsion system for big boats using seawater as an energy source.

Despite the high level displayed by all attendants, all of them were surpassed by the BLOCKBUSINESS project, submitted by Alejandro Valencia, a second year student in mechatronics at the Bilbo As Fabrik campus. Valencia displayed an outstanding command of the subject, supperb communication with the audience and ease on stage.

The 500 euros that were distributed as a prize was just a small token of motivation to those students since there will be many more events throughout the year allowing them all to pursuit upon the ventures. Enpresa Sortu contest is arranged to meet the endo of the courses and could facilitate ta have access to various scholarships, prizes, support and training in order to move their ideas forward into reality.

Fostering Technological Entrepreneurship

The event held the attendance of the last year´s enpresa sortu´s winning projects. A technologically-based entrepreneurial contests aimed all students of training cycles, degrees masters or doctoral programs. Besides, on this contest both students and last three years alumni can participate. 2020 winners, Wellk and BEREKIN 3D Health, and 2021 project winners GURA, YOUPOKET and OXYGEN19 all submitted to the audience their advancements and achievement so far. Consequently, this latter entrepreneurs could know first-hand the impact of their contributions to the MGEP technologically-based initiatives.

If interested in the sustainable technologically-based entrepreneurship, you can reach us at