Students in the bachelor's degree program in Global Digital Humanities present their End-of-Degree Projects


Students in the bachelor's degree program in Global Digital Humanities present their End-of-Degree Projects

Poster day

Students in the bachelor's degree program in Global Digital Humanities present their End-of-Degree Projects

The students of the first graduating class of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Global Digital Humanities have presented their End-of-Degree Projects, which they carried out in collaboration with various entities. Together with representatives of these entities, Naiara Goia, director of ArantzazuLab, and Josep Maria Vilalta, expert in public policy and Executive Secretary of the Catalan Association of Public Universities, participated in the presentation, which was held at Bilbao AS Fabrik.



The students of the first graduating class of the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Global Digital Humanities presented their End-of-Degree Projects at the first ‘Poster Day’ held at Bilbao AS Fabrik. A total of twenty students presented the results of their work, which they carried out in collaboration with twenty agents or entities. This was the first ‘Poster Day’, since the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University launched the Global Digital Humanities degree program four years ago.

Poster Eguna 2024


The following are the End-of-Degree Projects presented by the students:

  • Sara Allende Maguregi. Social innovation and the contribution of person-centered design in complex social projects: the case of the Plaza project. Kunsthal
  • Mikel Alvarez Cabezudo. Mission-oriented collaborative governance: Etorkizuna Eraikiz and Gipuzkoa Deep Demo. Agirre Lehendakaria Center
  • Amaiur Caballero Eizagirre. Reproductive rights in dispute: the sterilization of women in Puerto Rico (1930-1980). Women’s Documentation Center
  • Aitor Carazo Momoitio. Citizen participation in Bologna: urban renewal and transformation for a more livable city. Fondazione Innovazione Urbana
  • Amaia Elkano del Rio. Analysis of the impact of Language Technologies on society. EMUN
  • Maddi Eseberri Colomo. Analysis and methodology of new technologies to make participatory processes more inclusive. Maraka
  • Ainhoa Gerricabeitia Moreno. Abduction of the will: a comparison of FGM prevention plans in Bilbao and Navarre. Auzolan
  • Xaxi Graxiana Hobiague. The understanding of governance and the representation of its application in the Northern Basque Country. Arantzazulab
  • Ekaitz Hurtado Maniche. General analysis of immigration on the island of Tenerife: analysis of the sociability framework based on the knowledge of expert representatives of associations familiar with the phenomenon of migration. Tenerife Immigration Observatory
  • Nere Ibinaga de Quadra. The role of urban art in peacemaking. Gernika Gogoratuz
  • Peru Krug Hormaetxe. Education in values and integration: Berriztu. Berriztu
  • Leire Lison Nicuesa. Young people’s social representations of digitalization: the case of students in the Basque Country. Badalab
  • Mara Narro Urreta. An analysis of the impact of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation on the empowerment of women in rural India. Vicente Ferrer Foundation
  • Amaia Ruiz Castellanos. The importance of emotions of national pride in the transmission of Basque culture: the case of the 23rd annual Korrika event. AEK - Korrika
  • Itsaso Ruiz Martinez. Analysis and strategies to promote the local economy: the case of the Mondragon market. Adox
  • Sara Saenz De Samaniego Lopez de Alda. The case of Ribera de Deusto and Zorrotzaurre: from the term “mientras tanto” to the possible new applications of “mientras tanto para siempre”. La Hacería
  • Maialen Sagastigordia Uriondo. Communication and strategy in IT companies based on the case of CodeSyntax. CodeSyntax
  • Uxue Tajada Merodio. The ethical use of Artificial Intelligence. Tecnalia
  • Haizea Urkixo Gorostiaga. The attachment of young people with a migrant background to the Basque Country. The vision and proposals of the second generation. TMeLab
  • Itxaso Urrechua Arrizabalaga. Artistic resources to apply in university awareness sessions. Mugarik gabe

Presentations by Naiara Goia and Josep Maria Vilalta

Together with various representatives of the collaborating entities with which the students carried out their End-of-Degree Projects, Naiara Goia and Josep Maria Vilalta participated in the event, sharing their reflections with the attendees of ‘Poster Day’.

An expert in innovation, Naiara Goia has twenty years of experience in the coordination of complex strategic projects and in the management of people from different areas of knowledge both in the Basque Country and at the international level. She has also been the general director of the social innovation laboratory Arantzazulab for four years. Josep Maria Vilalta is the director of the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) and Executive Secretary of the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP). He has thirty years of experience in positions of responsibility at higher education institutions and is an expert in public management and policies, educational policy, university management and Research and Development issues.

Naiara Goia pointed out that at this time in which we are experiencing structural changes and are asked to organize ourselves differently, new ways of working are needed to provide new responses, so that there is greater and more open collaboration. She concluded her presentation by making an appeal in favor of the humanities. For his part, Josep Maria Vilalta shared his vision of the challenges of education and society in general and shared the do’s and don’ts of facing those challenges, focusing on the quality of training and underlining its importance.

Global Digital Humanities

In the Global Digital Humanities degree program, students learn with active methodologies based on challenges. Thanks to internships and projects in companies and institutions, they work together with social agents, including international stays and working on current trends with visits from experts.