Participating in South Summit allows us to continue driving innovation and business growth


Participating in South Summit allows us to continue driving innovation and business growth


Participating in South Summit allows us to continue driving innovation and business growth

Once again this year, MONDRAGON and the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, through Mondragon Ventures-Center for Corporate Promotion and Mondragon Team Academy respectively, will actively participate in the 13th edition of the South Summit 2024 event, which will take place from June 5 to 7, in Madrid



South Summit continues to be an unmissable event in the agenda of MONDRAGON and the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea. It is the international meeting point for investors in Spain. An event that, according to Joseba Sagastigordia and Aitor Lizartza, director of MONDRAGON Ventures and director of the entrepreneurship unit of the Business Faculty - Mondragon Team Academy, respectively, allows them to “continue promoting innovation and business growth”. MONDRAGON participates, once again, in a strategic way as sponsor, jury and active investment and innovation partner.

Sagastigordia will take part in the round table entitled 'Innovation Incorporated: The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Venture Capital', together with representatives from BASF, Cardumen Capital and ICO. We have been attending this reference event for 7 years, to closely follow the evolution of Corporate Venturing mechanisms and tools.  We can clearly see the unstoppable increase of this innovation process for companies as a complement to traditional R&D. Interaction with startups continues to become more sophisticated because it brings speed and reduces costs'.

For its part, Lizartza will participate in a table on zebra companies, startups that prioritize sustainability, profitability and social impact. In this edition of the South Summit, more than 50 women entrepreneurs will participate as a team from our MTA community. Some are finishing the LEINN Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation Degree and others are graduates who are still connected to the ecosystem. It will be a great opportunity to showcase their entrepreneurship and innovation projects, as well as to make interesting connections'.