A learning process based on Work Proposals

Official Degree

Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education (4 mentions)


240 ECTS

4 years



Class size

150 Places


Basque (80%), Spanish (10%) and English (10%)


On-site / Blended

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A learning process based on Work Proposals


A learning process based on Work Proposals

The teaching-learning process in the Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education is based on an innovative pedagogical model: Work Proposals.


Thus, the academic year is organized around various challenges and proposals presented consecutively, and to which the student must respond in the most appropriate way.

The Work Proposals, in addition to allowing the student to focus on a single challenge at a time, also help the student to deepen his or her understanding of the learning process, and prepare the student to meet educational and social challenges both of the present and of the future.

The Work Proposals are carried out individually or in small groups; during the process, the student will enjoy the close support of both tutors and professors.