MyGADE Global Challenge - International Week on Sustainability (IWS)


MyGADE Global Challenge - International Week on Sustainability (IWS)

Global Challenge

MyGADE Global Challenge - International Week on Sustainability (IWS)

The global challenge carried out by the students of the second year of myGADE took place on April 19, 20 and 21



The Global Challenge consisted of a virtual exchange between the Universities of VIVES (Belgium), Tampere (Finland), LEIRIA (Portugal) and the Business School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea (Spain).

The objective was to analyze the similarities and differences in the way in which different companies in the same sector publish their Sustainability Reports in each country, what their regulations are, how they apply them, etc. They have also had to detect good practices in the countries.

A total of 15 teams worked in different sectors such as automobiles (car manufacturing), chemical products, fuel companies, air transport - airlines, financial services: banks or insurance companies, forestry and paper products, telecommunication services, waste management, household products, machinery and electrical equipment, food retailers, food or beverage production, postal services, hotel chains and accounting offices.

The dynamics of the work was as follows: 

  • Each team has worked in a sector, choosing a company in the sector and looking for the Sustainability Report (with financial and non-financial information). 
  • They analyzed the aspects covered in the report and exchanged ideas and best practices among the participants from the 4 countries (Finland, Portugal, Belgium and Spain).
  • On the last day, the presentations of all the teams were held. 

Congratulations to all for the effort and work done!