Mondragon Unibertsitatea joins an international Consortium to launch the European University for Entrepreneurs initiative


Mondragon Unibertsitatea joins an international Consortium to launch the European University for Entrepreneurs initiative

International Consortium

Mondragon Unibertsitatea joins an international Consortium to launch the European University for Entrepreneurs initiative

Today the project, called EU4E, was presented in Paris, in which, in addition to Mondragon Unibertsitatea, universities in Paris, Berlin, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Finland participate



Mondragon Unibertsitatea, through Mondragon Team Academy, has been integrated into a European Consortium in which seven countries participate in order to launch the European University for Entrepreneurs (EU4E) initiative. The objective of this future university will be to become a European benchmark in entrepreneurial education to develop joint activities in entrepreneurship education.

Today the first meeting of the seven partners of this Consortium of the initiative of the European University of Entrepreneurs EU4E took place in Paris, with the signing of an agreement. They form the Consortium, in addition to Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the ESCP Europe Paris Campus, the ESCP Europe Berlin Campus, the ISM University of Administration and Economics (Lithuania), the Kozminski University (Poland), the Catholic University (Portugal) and Oulu University (Finland ).

The partners want to present the European University project in the next call of European Commission projects, in February 2020, on European universities, where they will offer an educational proposal on entrepreneurship.

The characteristics that define this international project are:

  • It focuses on the "entrepreneurial spirit", an interdisciplinary issue that uses cross-cutting approaches and is designed to address industrial and social challenges in Europe.
  • North-South-East-West cooperation with an inclusive dimension, focused more on complementarity than elitism.
  • Complementary pedagogical and methodological approaches rooted in the 'knowledge triangle' -Education, Innovation and Research-, and taking advantage of the specific and complementary experience of the partners.

In the words of the dean of the Business School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Lander Beloki, “since we launched the LEINN degree (Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation) and Mondragon Team Academy, now 10 years ago, Mondragon Unibertsitatea has trained in the field of entrepreneurship to young people from different parts of the world through graduate and postgraduate training programs aimed precisely at promoting entrepreneurship under the prism of teamwork, learning by doing and cooperative values ”, hence Mondragon Unibertsitatea can“ contribute their experience to this Consortium and its know how as the first university in Spain to launch a degree like LEINN ”.

MTA, 10 years innovating

Mondragon Unibertsitatea, through Mondragon Team Academy, has been developing innovative methodologies in entrepreneurial education for more than 10 years and has become an important reference, especially with the development of the Official European Degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation (LEINN) taught in 9 laboratories: Irún, Oñati, Bilbao, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Queretaro, Puebla (Mexico), and Shanghai (China). The LEINN degree currently has more than 900 students and 400 graduates of the 7 promotions that have come out. It should be noted that 35% of graduates have created or are creating a startup, about 30 currently and 50% develop intrapreneurship and innovation projects in existing companies. Therefore, the graduation profile of the degree is contributing significantly to the business and social ecosystem.

The international dimension of the project is one of the main keys, since the laboratory network of Mondragon Team Academy has several partners for the development of these laboratories: TEAMLABS in Madrid and Barcelona, Florida University in Valencia, TZBZ for LEINN International, UMx for Querétaro, IBERO in Puebla. There are currently new initiatives underway in Seoul (Korea), Seattle (USA); Bogotá (Colombia) and Nairobi (Kenya).