Mondragon Unibertsitatea has received a visit from the Minister of Science, Universities and Innovation


Mondragon Unibertsitatea has received a visit from the Minister of Science, Universities and Innovation


Mondragon Unibertsitatea has received a visit from the Minister of Science, Universities and Innovation

The Minister visited the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences of Mondragon Unibertsitatea together with the Vice-Minister.



The Minister of Science, Universities and Innovation of the Basque Government, together with the Deputy Minister of Universities, will be visiting all the faculties of the University of Mondragon during these days.

These visits began yesterday, March 20, in the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences.

The Rector of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Vicente Atxa, presented the Mondragon Unibertsitatea project where the most significant data of the University were mentioned, among other topics.

The director of the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences, Joxe Mari Aizega, presented both the Faculty and the Basque Culinary Center.

Then, to end the day, they visited the facilities of the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences.

On behalf of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, in addition to the Rector and the director of the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences, the Academic Vice-Rector of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Jon Altuna, and the Academic Director of the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences, Naiara Vidal, also took part in this visit.