Mondragon Unibertsitatea participates in 'Navarra with future'
Mondragon Unibertsitatea participates in 'Navarra with future'
Mondragon Unibertsitatea participates in 'Navarra with future'
The event "Navarra with Future" arrives in Pamplona to give the keys to the new labor market
Four graduated leinners, Aare Castilla and Miren Fernandez (TZBZ )on the one hand and also, Iñigo Adin and Iñigo Unanue. Together with Josune Prieto, LEINN coach, participated in the event.
Organized by Diario de Navarra, CM and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as the support of the Ministry of University, Innovation and Digital Transformation, the Public University of Navarra and the University of Navarra and the sponsorship of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the Official College of Industrial Engineers of Navarra, CITI, Geoalcali, AIN, Adefan and Laboral Kutxa, the event "Navarra with future" was born to create an "intergenerational and intersectoral dialogue" that can give another approach to young people who are not yet clear about their Professional future.
Among the spectators there were especially young people, but they also had the presence of businessmen, managers and even families concerned about the future of their children at the changing world of work in the new economy.
In order to find solutions to “divorce” among young people who leave the universities and Vocational Training centers and the real demand for job profiles offered by companies, the proposal was the main argument with the celebration of “eight duets”, each one of which consisted of a fifteen-minute debate between a prestigious manager, whose company is looking for certain professional profiles, and a young man under 30 who stands out for his original approach to working life in business accelerators or laboratories and the training chosen to achieve it.
In these duos two leinners participated Iñigo Unanue and Iñigo Adín. And one of the round tables was led by Josune Prieto, LEINN coach and researcher in Entrepreneurship at the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea.