Mondragon Unibertsitatea actively participates in the National Days of University Sports in Valencia


Mondragon Unibertsitatea actively participates in the National Days of University Sports in Valencia

JNDU Valencia

Mondragon Unibertsitatea actively participates in the National Days of University Sports in Valencia

This week the National Days of University Sports have been held in the city of Valencia



After two years without being able to celebrate due to the pandemic, this week, December 13 and 14, have been the National Days of University Sports, organized by the Sector Commission for Student Affairs of the CRUE and the University of Valencia, and the Plenary of the CEDU.

The first day we had the opportunity to listen to several presentations on two general themes; university championships (from internal to international championships) and different programs, both national and international, to promote physical activity and health and well-being projects implemented in different universities. While on the second day the plenary session of the CEDU (Spanish University Sports Committee) was held with the participation of representatives of all the universities and the CSD (Superior Sports Council).

In addition, this time Mondragon Unibertsitatea has been the protagonist in the presentations on regional championships where Gorka Martinez de Lahidalga has presented the reality of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and our organization of the Euskadi University Sports Championship.

They have been really enriching days and we hope to continue in our line of continuous improvement with the ideas gathered in these days.

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