Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Mondragon Corporation awarded prizes for end-of-degree projects carried out in the Basque language


Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Mondragon Corporation awarded prizes for end-of-degree projects carried out in the Basque language


Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Mondragon Corporation awarded prizes for end-of-degree projects carried out in the Basque language

Ainhoa Mugertza Iguaran and Elene Gisasola Sagardui with their projects for IKERLAN and DANOBAT have been the winners respectively.



The prizes for the best end-of-degree projects carried out in Basque were awarded today at the MONDRAGON Corporation's facilities in the Otalora Palace. Two projects from Mondragon Unibertsitatea were awarded prizes. The winner of the first prize was Ainhoa Mugertza Iguaran, a student on the Degree in Industrial Electronics Engineering, with the work carried out for IKERLAN "PREDICTION OF THE SAFETY STATUS OF BATTERIES (SOS)" and she received a prize of 1500 euros. The winner of the second prize was Elene Gisasola Sagardui, student of the Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering, with the project carried out for DANOBAT "IMPROVEMENT OF LEAN METHODOLOGY IN THE ASSEMBLY PROCESS OF THE VERTICAL RECTIFIER". In this case, the prize was 500 euros.


These awards were created as an initiative of the MONDRAGON Corporation's Basque Commission thirteen years ago with the aim of ensuring that the end-of-studies projects undertaken by Mondragon Unibertsitatea students as they enter the world of work are developed in Basque. The MONDRAGON Corporation had this challenge in its Strategic Plan and in 2010 set up a working group made up of people from both the Corporation and the Faculties to set up this award. The jury, made up of two representatives from each faculty, one representative from the Corporation and two representatives from Emun, analysed all the projects carried out in the Corporation's companies that were presented for the award.

In total, 947 projects were carried out in the Faculty of Business Studies, the Engineering Faculty and the Humanities and Education Sciences faculty  at Mondragon Unibertsitatea, of which 308 were in Basque, 32.5% (33.2% the previous year). In the MONDRAGON co-operatives 211 projects were carried out, 61 of which were in Basque (28.91% compared to 27.7% last year). All the projects presented were of a high technical level and the most outstanding projects were the best written in Basque.

The jury was made up by: Eneko Bidegain and Asier Irizar, from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences;  Rafael Altuna and Mireia Uribetxebarria from the Faculty of Business Studies; Xabier Arrasate and Pedro Urteaga, from the Engineering Faculty, a representative of the MONDRAGON Corporation, Ander Etxeberria and two representatives of Emun, Abel Irizar and Koldo Urrestarazu. After a thorough analysis of the projects, the jury agreed on the scores and selected the winners.

Award Winners 

First prize: Ainhoa Mugertza Iguaran (Engineering Faculty)

Title of the project: Prediction of battery safety status (SOS) 


Today, as technology advances, batteries have become essential components, especially the most widely used, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). However, safety concerns remain critical. Therefore, this project has developed an algorithm that estimates the safety status of batteries (SOS - State of Safety). In this way, the safety will be estimated and the risks will be known. In the project, first of all, general information about LIBs has been presented and their safety has been analysed. Then, information about the functions of the battery management system (BMS) was collected and the different scenarios it estimates were analysed. Afterwards, the current state of LIB security and SOS security needs are explained, as the existing literature on the subject has a quanlitative character but does not provide a numerical quantification of the security of a storage system. For this reason, an algorithm that calculates the SOS has been proposed. Once this has been done, abusive tests have been carried out in the laboratory to validate the SOS algorithm that has been worked on. In this way, information has been collected from safety tests carried out on lithium cylindrical cells. Specifically, the types of tests performed, the materials and conditions necessary to carry them out, the results obtained and the conclusions drawn. Finally, with the data obtained from the tests, the SOS algorithm has been validated and it has been demonstrated that the algorithm is capable of estimating the SOS value and risks.


Scond prize: Elene Gisasola Sagardui (Engineering Faculty)

Títle of the project: Lean improvement in the assembly process of vertical grinding machine. 


The project was carried out in the vertical grinding machine business unit, with the aim of defining the assembly process of the new machine of the business, VG-1500, and to be able to optimise it for the future by applying the Lean methodology. The project was based on the definition, standardisation and adaptation of the documentation of the assembly process. In addition, the working group has been coordinated for the definition and development of the standard internal tests to be carried out on the machine before starting with the customer's parts.

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