Mondragon Unibertsitatea analyzes how to create more value in hypercompetitive environments


Mondragon Unibertsitatea analyzes how to create more value in hypercompetitive environments


Mondragon Unibertsitatea analyzes how to create more value in hypercompetitive environments

The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea has organized a day in Bilbao to help companies and organizations adapt to a world that changes rapidly and in which it is necessary to create more value for customers and teams.



The world is moving faster and faster and that forces companies and organizations to react as quickly to their changes and adapt to them. The new rhythm demands many things: flexibility to change, innovation, an attentive look, know how to compete in global environments and, above all, provide more value, in capital letters. In the opinion of the experts, adapting to the changes of a world that walks so fast and in which competition is not only global but also very intense, requires an effective response that provides more value for both the client and the teams themselves. And also, a value that can not be copied, not imitated, that distinguishes what others do.

To face all this and explain how to achieve success in hypercompetitive environments, the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea has organized in Bilbao Berikuntza Faktoria a day on July 10th from 4:00 to 6:00 pm where the keys will be given to provide this added value, from the hand of two international experts in innovation and business development in the digital field, such as Xavier Marcet and Álvaro José Zevallos Román. From the next course, both will become company coordinators in the MBA Executive GECEM and Master in Sales, Client and Digitalization programs of Mondragon Unibertsitatea respectively. This are the first two programs that incorporate the figure of a company coordinator that will allow the university to strengthen its position as a strategic partner of the organizations and to further bring all its postgraduate training programs closer to the business reality.

The event

The start of the day will be done by Lander Beloki, dean of the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and will be followed by Xavier Marcet and Álvaro Zevallos. The expert in innovation consulting Xavier Marcet (president of the innovation consultancy Lead to Change), will explain the need for companies to evolve and incorporate adaptive strategies in their management that allow them to create differential value to clients and remove structures for to be able to follow clients in their own transformation processes. All under a perspective of results. For his part, Álvaro Zevallos, director of business development of Nem Solutions (a global leader in the digital transformation of railway and wind businesses thanks to methodology, expertise and proprietary technology, guaranteeing success as a service) will talk about the keys to generating business profitable, recurrent and long-term in the digital age, emphasizing the evolution and importance of a sales process focused on the customer, especially necessary in Euskadi.

Subsequently, both Xavier Marcet and Álvaro Zevallos will participate in a round table moderated by David Sánchez (Coordinator of Research and Transfer of the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea) and Mikel Mesonero (Academic Director of the faculty).

All of them will explain to the attendees to the act the need for companies and organizations to evolve and incorporate in their management adaptive strategies that allow them to adapt to the continuous changes that society faces on a daily basis.