Work Sequences as a foundation for learning
Work Sequences as a foundation for learning
he teaching-learning process in the Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and management in Cultural and Creative Industries is developed through active methodologies based on real challenges and projects.
These challenges are formulated in multidisciplinary modules called Work Sequences, in which students acquire the necessary knowledge, abilities, and competencies. The sequences are consecutive, and are taught without interruption by at least two teachers, who present each challenge at the beginning of its sequence; and the students must respond to the proposal during the allotted time.
Through this methodology, it is the student himself or herself who becomes the leader in his or her learning process, and the student must plan that process, together with other students, as well as the design and the necessary activities. This method avoids student distraction and the fragmentation of knowledge, and helps the student to delve deeper into his or her own learning process. All academic years of study for this Degree are based on this pedagogical model.