Writer Miren Agur Meabe speaks with Education students


Writer Miren Agur Meabe speaks with Education students


Writer Miren Agur Meabe speaks with Education students

The winner of the 2021 National Poetry Prize was on the Eskoriatza campus to participate in the 2nd-year Education module, “I, you, and we. We are bodies.”



On May 12, writer Miren Agur Meabe spoke with students of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University. The winner of the 2021 Spanish National Poetry Prize chatted with 2nd-year students in the Education degree program, taking part in the module I, you, and we. We are bodies.

Every year, the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences publishes the Guide to Children’s and Young People’s Literature. In the 2019-2020 guide, for example, Miren Agur Meabe’s name appears several times, sometimes as a translator and sometimes as an author. In addition, her name appears on the list of recommended books for her work Begiak zerumugan.

Miren Agur Meabe, who is from Lekeitio, won the 2021 National Poetry Prize for her work Nola gorde errautsa kolkoan. She was the first writer to win the National Poetry Prize for a work written in Basque.