Online hiking, winter mountain and trail running courses
Online hiking, winter mountain and trail running courses
Online hiking, winter mountain and trail running courses
By yourself
Discounts on online training courses at adventure sports in nature
The Sports Service joins the Sports and Outdoor activities platform B4EXPERIENCE to offer the entire university community some of its online courses to introduce and improve in Hiking, Winter Mountain and Trail Running.
Learn with some of the best Outdoor athletes with more than 500 educational videos. The objective of this agreement is to solve the lack in amateur training around outdoor activities. The aim is to ensure that the university community learns the minimum knowledge to enjoy more and safer sports and activities carried out in nature.
We have reduced prices for the university community. Each course €15 (normal price €80). If you are interested in taking a course, fill out this form and from the Sports Service we will send you the corresponding codes.
Take advantage of this opportunity to train yourself in different technical aspects and practice activities in nature safely!
In addition to these courses, the platform has multimedia material (documentaries, films,...) related to adventure and nature sports, and a wide range of travel offers. We have a gift coupon (€10) that you can request at the Sports Service.