Sports games during the Buatxabalta 2023 poteo in Aretxabaleta
Sports games during the Buatxabalta 2023 poteo in Aretxabaleta
Sports games during the Buatxabalta 2023 poteo in Aretxabaleta
Good atmosphere on Buatxabalta day between students and workers.
Last week (May 25) Buatxabalta Day was celebrated on the HUHEZI Aretxabaleta campus and the sports service has participated actively by organizing different activities.
During the morning "poteo", several games were organized with the aim of setting the day and relating different students from different courses. Finally, all the students and workers participated in the "sokatira" between different courses. We had a phenomenal atmosphere and many thanks to all the participants.
Photos of the games and photos of the day in general
Until the next edition!!