Alumni reunion of the 4th graduating class of the bachelor's degree program in Humanities and Business on the Eskoriatza campus


Alumni reunion of the 4th graduating class of the bachelor's degree program in Humanities and Business on the Eskoriatza campus

Alumni reunion

Alumni reunion of the 4th graduating class of the bachelor's degree program in Humanities and Business on the Eskoriatza campus

Reunion participants completed their studies 20 years ago.



On May 18, alumni of the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Humanities and Business met on the Eskoriatza campus. The reunion was attended by 12 alumni of the 4th graduating class of this degree program.

Reunion participants completed their studies 20 years ago and took advantage of the meeting to renew relationships, share memories of their time as students and learn first-hand about the changes that the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has undergone since then.

The meeting began with a greeting from two Faculty representatives: Ainhoa Leturiaga, Director of Administration and Finance of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences, and Iñigo Kortabarria, representative of the Faculty’s Alumni Association. After the official welcome, those assembled visited the campus, taking special interest in the renovated Dorleta building. The alumni reunion ended with a lunch held on the Eskoriatza campus.

The Humanities and Business degree was first offered in 1997. The objective of the degree was to incorporate humanistic values in the management of organizations.